पश्चिम भारत की ओबीसी जाति अहीर वास्तव में अफगानिस्तान के आभीर और स्कीथियन (शक ) जाती के वंसज है। गुजरात,राजस्थान ,हरियाणा,पंजाब ,महाराष्ट्र ,मध्य प्रदेश ,पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश के अहीर को यादव जाति के अंतर्गत माना जाता है। यादव वास्तव में प्राचीन आर्य जाती है और अहीर २००० वर्ष पूर्व अफगानिस्तान से आकर बसने वाली जाति है। अहीर रंग रूप में जाट जैसे गोर लम्बे देखने में सुन्दर होते है। शारीरिक रंग रूप पठानों जैसा होता है। जो लोग मूलनिवासी मूलनिवासी का रट लगाकर हिन्दू समाज को बाटने में लगे है है उन्हें मालूम होना चाहिए की पश्चिम भारत में उनका मूलनिवासी का सिद्धांत पूरी तरह फ़ैल है। जैसे उदाहरण के लिए राजस्थान की ओबीसी जातीय - जाट , मुस्लिम राजपूत(मुस्लिम राजपूत ओबीसी में आटे है और हिन्दू जनरल catogory में ) ,गुर्जर ,सुथार ,चारण,जांगिड़ ,अहीर ,बिश्नोई ,प्रजापति इत्यादि। अनुसूचित जनजाति -मीणा। इन सभी का शारीरिक रंग रूप राजपूत जैसा ही होता है। वास्तव में राजस्थान में आर्यो के बहुत बाद में आने वाली विदेशी जातिओ की अच्छी खासी सख्या है जिन्हे ब्राह्मण अछूत मानते थे और म्लेच्छ बोलते थे। यदपि वे देखने में ब्राह्मणो से ज्यादा गोर और देखने में सुन्दर होते है परन्तु लड़ाकू बर्बर असभ्य विदेशी जातियों - शक ,हूण,कुषाण ,पार्थियन ,आभीर ,कम्बोज ,ग्रीक इत्यादि के वंसज होने के कारन ब्राह्मणो ने इनका तिरस्कार और बहिस्कार किया इसलिए ये सभी गैर ब्राह्मण जातिओ में समाहित हो गयी। इनमे जो आगे बढ़ गए वो राजपूत कहलाये ,खेती करने वाले जाट ,जो जंगलो और पहाड़ो में बस गए वो आदिवासी जाती मीणा कहलाये ,पशुपालन करने वाले गुर्जर और अहीर कहलाये।
नीचे चित्र श्री आदित्य पंचोली जी का है जो गुजरात के ओबीसी जाति कच्छ और काठियावाड़ के अहीर समुदाय से है।गुजरात और महाराष्ट्र में अफगानिस्तान से आकर बसने वाली शक जाति अच्छी संख्या में है,जो बाद में हिंदू धर्म में समाहित हो गए।अफगानिस्तान का गजनी नगर यदुवंशी शासक महाराज गज द्वारा बसाया गया था।
इस संदर्भ में एक कहानी और ये है कि भगवान श्री कृष्ण की मृत्यु के बाद यदुवंशी की एक शाखा द्वारिका कच्छ सिंध बलूचिस्तान होते हुए अफगानिस्तान में बस गए और वहां की स्थानीय जनसंख्या शक हूण कुषाण,पर्थियन,ग्रीक के साथ विवाह सम्बन्ध स्थापित किया और अफगानिस्तान के गजनी कंदाहार इलाके में शासन किया।फिर अफगानिस्तान में इस्लामिक आक्रमण के समय वापस सिंध के रास्ते कच्छ में बस गए।
गुजरात के पटेल और महाराष्ट्र के मराठा लोगो में शक जाति का अंश है क्योंकि शक बाद में हिंदू बन गए और स्थानीय जनसंख्या से मिल गए।
कर्नाटक के ओबीसी जाति शेट्टी ,आंध्र के ओबीसी रेड्डी ,केरल के ओबीसी नायर इन्हीं शक जाति के वंशज हैं।
ब्राह्मणों ने अफगानिस्तान से आए लड़ाकू जातियों शक हूण कुषाण पर्थियान, आभीर जिस से अहीर जाति बनी कभी स्वीकार नहीं किया और उन्हें शूद्रों से भी नीचे का माना और उनको म्लेच्छ बोलते थे।
अहीर और यादव में क्या अंतर है। आप तौर पर हम इन दोनों जातियों को एक ही जाति समझते हैं वास्तव में यह गलत है अहीर और यादव दोनों ही अलग अलग जाती है यादव वास्तव में भारत के प्राचीन आर्य जाती है और अहीर शक हूण कुषाण पार्थियन ग्रीक और आभीर जाति के वंसज है। अहीर जाति पश्चिम भारत में पाई जाती है जैसे गुजरात महाराष्ट्र राजस्थान हरियाणा और पंजाब । अहीर देखने में शारीरिक रंग रूप में जाट राजपूत गुज्जर जैसे होते हैं। राजपूत और क्षत्रिय में क्या अंतर है वही अंतर है जो अहीर और यादव में है। क्षत्रिय आर्य हैं और राजपूत विदेसी जातियो के वंसज है। कालांतर में राजपूत क्षत्रिय जाति में समाहित हो गया अब राजपूत और क्षत्रिय में अंतर करना असंभव है। अहीर शब्द की उत्पत्ति आभीर से हुई है आभीर अफगानिस्तान की एक जाति हैं जिसका संबंध शको से है। राजपूत विशेषज्ञ और प्रसिद्ध इतिहासकार अंग्रेज जनरल टॉड के अनुसार राजपूत जाट और गुर्जर और अहीर वास्तव में एक ही जाती है। यादव भारत की प्राचीन क्षत्रिय आर्य जाति है। आर्यों की तुलना में शक हूण कुषाण आदि विदेशी जातिया ज्यादा गोरे लंबे हट्टे-कट्टे गोरी-चिट्टी होते हैं क्योंकि यह जाती है भारत में बाद में आई इसलिए इनका शारीरिक रंग रूप आर्यों से ज्यादा सांप और चेहरा और रंग रूप पख्तून या पठानों जैसा होता है। एक जाट या अहीर आमतौर से एक ब्राम्हण से ज्यादा गोरा होता है क्योंकि ब्राह्मण आ रहे हैं और भारत में प्राचीन काल से रह रहे हैं जबकि तुलनात्मक रुप से जाट गुर्जर राजपूत और आहिर भारत में बाद में बसने वाली विदेशी जातियां हैं पश्चिम भारत में आप आर्य और बाकी विदेशी जातियों में अंतर करना असंभव हो गया है क्योंकि यह सभी विदेशी जातियां आर्यों के साथ घुल मिल गयी है। यह सभी विदेशी जातियां भारत के समस्त वर्णों में और पश्चिम भारत के समस्त वर्ण और समस्त जातियों में समाहित हो गई है इनका अधिकांश हिस्सा ओबीसी या पिछड़ी जातियों में समाहित हो गया है इसके अलावा महाराष्ट्र में मराठा आंध्रा में रेड्डी और कर्नाटक में शेट्टी आदि जातियो में जाकर यह समाहित हो गए हैं और उनसे धूल मिल गए है।
Ahir tribe of Afganistan
Several Chandravanshi castes and communities in modern India, such as the Sainis of Punjab,[24][25] Ahirs, Jadaun Rajputs, Yaduvanshi Ahirs,[26] Chudasama, Jadeja, Jadaun, Yadavs, Jadoon (Pathan) and Khanzada claim descent from Yadu.
Genealogical tree of Yadu According to Dr. Bhau Daji, these Yue-Chi appear to have been the Abhira.[27]
Reginald Edward Enthoven believes that Abhiras might have entered India from Afganistan.[28][29] Indo-Greek king Agathocles found at Ai-Khanoum in Afghanistan depict Krishna and Balarama.[30] The pastoral setting of the stories about Krishna's childhood may have originated in legends of a god worshipped by the Abhira tribe.However Hugh Nevill says that it is probable the Abhoras on being removed from Mesopotamia, across the river,may have called themselves Abhira,as we know they did so in Scinde; while the branch in Afganistan are spoked of in the Assyrian inscription as of "the land of Abhiruz".[31] Ramaprasad Chanda author of "The Indo-Aryan races" says that the Abhiras from whom the Gujaratis of our day have evidently sprung, were Aryan in speech and belonnged to the Indo-Afgan stock.[32] The Puranic Abhiras, have occupied the territories of Herat, which is probably a survival of their name, as they are invariably juxtaposed with the Kalatoyakas and Haritas — the peoples of Afghanistan.[33] Journal of the Department of Pali believes that the Abhiras came to India from some part of eastern Iran.[34] Skanda Purāṇa also puts Abhiras as one of the tribes of Afganistan.[35]
[edit] History
The British Rulers of India classified the Ahirs amongst the "martial races"[36] It was a designation created by officials of British India to describe "races" that were thought to be naturally warlike and aggressive in battle, and to possess qualities like courage,physical strength, fighting tenacity and military strategy.In 1898, the British raised four Ahir companies, two of which were in 95th Russel Infantry.[37] According to historians like Crooke and Risley Ahirs of Mathura and Rajputana are characterized by tall stature, light brown complexion and finer features.[38]
The Ahirs may be seen to have continued their warrior tradition by their extensive participation in the Indian Army and police forces.[39] Since ancient time, as per Mahabharata, Ahirs(Abhiras) have been warriors; some were agriculturists and farmers. They are a subcaste of Dhangar and are not only found in the Kaatch (Kutch) area of western Gujarat, but also in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Nepal.[40] In Maharashtra, Ahirs comprise a subgroup of the Dhangar caste system of India. Their role The Ahir community are present in large numbers in Terai, the plains that lie in the southern part of Nepal.[40]
[edit] Origin
Asirgarh Fort was made by King Asa Ahir in Madhya Pradesh
The origin of the Ahir is controversial, with various scholars claiming different origins. Sir William Wilson Hunter propounded the Scythic Origin view by directly deriving Ahir from Ahi, which means snake in Sanskrit, and saying that snake worship compounded by other cultural facts, suggests scythic origin. However, J. C. Nesfield refutes it by saying that snake worship is not peculiar to scythics but a common practice all over India, and he also argues that it is absurd to derive Ahir from ahi, a Sanskrit word, when the original name of the community is Abhira, and Ahir its Prakrit corruption. He is of the view that Ahirs have purely Aryan origin. One study in Deccan Ahirs have found out existence of Totemistic septs, which is regarded as a sure sign of being Non-Aryan, seconded by existence of a sect called Romabans, which is the regular corruption of word romak, frequently found in Sanskrit works on astronomy, and identified by Prof. Weber to be the town Alexandria in Egypt, from where the science of astronomy was cultivated and from whom people of India borrowed the concepts of astronomy. It is argued that foreign hordes from Romak might have settled in India, and incorporated into Ahirs.[41] Sanskrit scholars in India however, have demurred this suggestion. Bhagwan Singh Suryavanshi, in his research, claims archaeological research in Deccan has revealed the presence of pastoral people of Neolithic era, who shares many attributes of Abhira. Hence, Abhira might have been present much earlier than what has been postulated so far. Finally he concludes, they spread from Indus to mathura, and migrated southward and eastward.[42] He also claims that similarity of culture and common belief that they are descendant of Lord Krishna, is the proof that they sprang from a common source. According to a theory advanced by A. P. Karmakar, Abhiras were a Proto Dravidian tribe, derived from Dravidian Ayir,[43] which means cowherd, he further argues, Aitareva Brahmin refers to Vasah, as the name of people, which in vedic literature means cow.
Finally, he concludes from Padma Purana, where Vishnu informed Abhiras, "I shall be born among you, O Abhiras, at Mathura in my eighth birth". D. R. Bhandarkar, supports the non-aryan origin theory, by directly relating Krishna, to Rig Veda's "Krishna Drapsah", where he fights Aryan God Indra. Added to this Karmakar, shows Harivamsa says Yadu was born of Harynasva and Madhumati, who was the daughter of Madhu. Madhu says all the territory of Mathura belongs to Abhiras.[44] Further, Mahabharata describes Abhira as forming one of the seven republics, Samsaptak Gunas, and as a friend of Matsyas, a pre-vedic tribe.[43]
[edit] Abhira jatis
The Abhiras split into both varna and jati categories; there were Abhira brahmins,[45][46][47] Abhira kshatriyas,[8][48][49] Abhira vaisyas,[50] Abhira carpentars and Goldsmiths.[51] For example Baradas Abhiras are of Rajput origin. They derive their name from acting as priests of Abhira.[52][53]
[edit] Languages
Abhira bhasha is in fact considered to be[who?] Apabhransha. In the 9th century BC., it had become the language of the people, and was spoken from Saurashtra, and Shastri (1967) proves that poetry was composed in the language around the 6th century BC.[citation needed]
[edit] Links with Yadava
See also: Yaduvanshi Ahirs, Category:Chhatis Rajkul, and Rajput clans
Besides scriptural evidences, historical and semi-historical evidence is available for equating Ahirs with Yadav. The term Ahir comes from Abhira (Bhandarkar, 1911;16), who where once found in different parts of India, and who in several places wielded political power. Ancient Sanskrit classic, Amarkosa, calls gwal, gopa and ballabh to be the synonym of Abhira.A Chudasama prince styled Ra Graharipu and Ruling at Vanthali near Junagarh described in the Dyashraya kavya of Hemachandra, describes him both as a Abhira and a Yadav.[41] Further, in their Bardic traditions as well as in popular stories Chudasmas are still called Ahir Ranas.[41] Again, many remains of Khandesh (historical stronghold of abhiras) are popularly believed to be of Gawli Raj, which archaeologically belongs to the Yadvas of Devgiri.[41] Hence, it is concluded that Yadavas of Devagiri were actually Abhiras. Portuguese Travellers account refers to Vijaynagar Emperors as Kannada Golla (Abhira). First historically traceable Yadav Dynasty are Trikuta, who were Abhira.
Moreover, there are sufficient number of clans within Ahirs, who trace their lineage from Yadu and Lord Krishna, some of which are mentioned in Mahabharata as Yadav Clans.[11]
Commenting on this Bhandarkar says, Krishna is the Hinduised form of Jesus Christ, whose teachings Abhira have brought from outside, at the beginning of Christian Era, because Krishna is called Christo near Weastern Coast, and Dalliance element in Krishna's life is inspired from traditions of Abhira tribe.
Ghurye, contradicts this by saying Abhira as a tribe is mentioned in the works of Patanjali, dated 150 BC, by most conservative sources, so they definitely haven't entered at the beginning of the Christian era and possibly their presence goes very far into antiquity. Also, proofs of Extra Marital relationships exists within genealogy of Yadus so it is wrong to say Abhira are the source of Dlliance element, and he fails to see the difference between Abhira and the tribe of Krishna.
However, Smith has raised two questions on this synthesis by above scholars. First, If Abhira are Yadavs then why Mahabharata mentions them having abducted wives and children of Krishna and second, why Abhira kings names are after Shiva and not Vishnu till as late as 800AD, who is a rival god.
Dr. J.N. Singh Yadav and MSA Rao has contradicted Smith by saying, Those Abhira who abducted Krishna's Wives and Children might be Yadavs who were supporters of Duryodhna, and they also shows there is no rivalry between Shiva and Krishna.Mahabharta says that those Abhiras who looted Arjuna were the supporters of the Kauravas.[43][54]
According to Sarat Chandra Roy (Rai Bahadur) the Gopas, whom Krishna had offered to Duryodhana to fight in his support when he himself joined Arjuna's side, were no other than the Yadavas themselves, who were also the Abhiras[55]
Hari Singh Bhati on closer inspection of the site of abduction near Indraprastha, as described in Mahabharata, along with Dr. Budh Prakash's identification of Haryana likely to be the post Mahabharata settlement, Abhirayana, of those Abhira, finds concentration of Yaduvanshi Ahirs in that area and says, all Yadvas post Mahabharata were descendants of those Abhira and abducted Vrisni women, hence they are both Abhira and Yadava.
P.A. Karmakar, shows in Padma Purana, Vishnu informs Abhira, saying, "O Abira, I'll be born among you in my eighth incarnation", and concludes Abhira and Yadava is same.
[edit] Abhira and Arjuna fight
Abhiras are mentioned as warriors in support of Duryodhana. The Gopas, whom Krishna had offered to Duryodhana to fight in his support when he himself joined Arjuna's side, were no other than the Yadavas themselves, who were also the Abhiras.[56] Ramayana refers to Abhiras as Ugradarshana — Mlecchas and dasyus.[57] The Abhiras also have been described as Vratas. Pnaini mentions these Vratas as robbers. The Abhiras are said to have looted the train of Arjuna, the Pandava, when he was returning from Dwaraka being accompanied by some of the members of "Sri Krsna's family after the death of the latter.Abhiras are said to have waylaid Arjuna and deprived him of his treasure and beautiful women somewhere in Punjab.[54] Abhiras who looted Arjuna were the supporters of the Kauravas, and in the Mahabharata,[58] Abhir, Gopa, Gopal[59] and Yadavas are all synonyms.[43][43][60] They defeated the hero of Mahabharatha war,and did spare him when he disclosed the identity of the members of the family of Sri Krishna.[61]
[edit] Abhiras in Deccan
From 203 to 270 the Abhiras ruled over the whole of deccan as a paramount power.In deccan Abhiras were the immediate successors of the Satavahanas.[62]
[edit] Rule of Konkan
Abhira king Isvarasena of Nasik Inscription XV. was one of the Abhira conquerors of the Andhras who took from them to west Deccan.A migration of Abhiras from Ptolemy's Abiria in Upper Sindh through Sindh by sea to the Konkan and then to Nasik.[63] Abhira rule started about 203 AD following the end of Yajnasri Satakarni's reign and Abhira Isvarasena's accession took place in Saka 151 or 229 ADSakasena was the first abhira king.His inscriptions from Konkan and coins from Andhra Pradesh suggest that he ruled over the major part of the warstwhile Satavahana empire,It followed that Abhira Shivadatta founded the Abhira kingdom after Yajnasri in the Nasik-Konkan area.[64] Indradutta Traikutaka was probably the viceroy of the Abhiras in the Western Coastal regin of their kingdom assumed sovereignty at the end of Vasusena region.
[edit] Rule of Gujarat
Abhiras lived in the desert; but later they gradually pushed towards the south,In the 1st and 2nd centuries AD; Aberia or the abhira country lay not far from Saurastra.[29] Abiria of Abhira country was ruled over by western Kshatrapas to Saka rulers of western India, who seem to have held sway over the whole realm of Indo-Scythians of the Greek geographer Ptolemy.[65] It is the south-eastern portion of Gujarat near the mouth of the river Narmada. According to some scholars,[who?] it is the Abiria of the Greeks.
It was lying to the east of the Indus above the insular portion formed by its bifurcation Abiria is Ophir (Mc Crindle. Ancient India as described by Ptolemy. Later epigraphic evidences places the Abhira country in the west but the Puranas seem to locate it in the north.[66]
According to Mahabharatha (II ch. 31) the abhiras lived near the seashore and on the bank of the Saraswati,a river near Somnath in Gujarat.[60]
[edit] Abhiras of Rajputana
The Abhiras were a strong and powerful people with well-built bodies[4] and originally lived in the desert.[29] Mahabharata (IX, 37, 1) locates the Abhiras in western Rajputana where the river Sarasvati disappears.[60][67] and north eastern Sind.[43] In Samudragupta's time (c. AD 350) the Abhiras lived in Rajputana and Malava on the western frontier of the Gupta empire.[68] Historian Dineshchandra Sircar thinks of Abiravan between Herat[69] and Kandahar which may have been the original home of the Abhiras.[29] Their occupation of Rajasthan also at later date is evident from the Jodhpur[70] inscription of Samvat 918, that the Abhira people of the area were a terror to their neighbours, because of their violent demeanour.[69][71] Abhiras of Rajputana were sturdy and regarded as Mlecchas, and carried on anti Brahmancial activities.As a result, life and property became unsafe. Pargiter points to the Pauranic tradition that the Yadavas, while retreating northwards after the Kurukshetra war from their western home in Dwarka and Gujarat, were attacked and broken up by the rude Abhiras of Rajasthan.[72]
At Osian (about 52 kilometres north-west of Jodhpur) many temples with fine sculptures attract a visitor. Two sculptures particularly attract the visitors — one depicts a daughter of the Abhiras with her charming poise and attractive body.[73]
The Abhiras did not stop in Rajasthan; some of their clans moved south and west reaching Saurastra and Maharastra and taking service under the Satavahanas and the Kshatrapas.[74] Also founded a kingdom in the northern part of the Maratha country, and an inscription of the ninth year of the Abhira King Ishwarsena.[75][76]
I think you said it well.We are Abhira and it's variations are called Aheer,Ahar,Heer or Aveer in nepal.While,Abhiras are historical people Yadav are most of the times mythical people.Abhiras merged into various clans as, jainas wrote about them that there are Abhira brahman,Abhira kshatriya,Abhira vaishya,Abhira shudra.While many of them became jainas bcoz jains respected their bravery,genuine and rebellious nature.On the other hand brahminical religion never accepted them in there so called religion....and to curb their political ambition they assigned them a caste gop,gwala etc.But Abhira never accepted this new nomenclature....and they always considered themselves as different identity though they heavenly married local girls mainly of shudra status.....they have always known themselves as ethnically rich people....👍👍
जवाब देंहटाएंयदुवंशियों में लगभग 1700 गोत्र पाए जाते हैं। जिनसे आप समझ सकते हैं कि यादव और अहिर समुदाय सबसे प्राचीन सनातन वैष्णव धर्म के क्षत्रिय है, उनसे अधिकांश क्षत्रियों की उत्पत्ति हुई हैं जैसे जाट,भाटी,बनाफर,गुर्जर,हैहयवंशी, चालुक्य वंश इत्यादि। वैष्णव धर्म की स्थापना करने वाले भगवान श्रीकृष्ण जी यदुवंशी थे।
जवाब देंहटाएं