शुक्रवार, 20 अक्टूबर 2017

नये प्रासंगिक शब्दार्थ :---

अर्थ (Meaning) नक्‍़शा sketch , outline , graph 'खाका' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) रचना, आलेख्‍य-पत्र, तत्व, मसविदा, खाका schema, configuration का - Of kaa, kA विशेषण (Adjective) अर्थ (Meaning) of 'का' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) में, लिये, वास्‍ते, पर about, from, by Other Similar Word(s) काका - Paternal Uncle kaakaa, kAkA पुल्लिंग - Masculine अर्थ (Meaning) paternal uncle 'काका' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) चाचा कारण - Cause kaaran, kAran पुल्लिंग - Masculine अर्थ (Meaning) वजह cause , reason 'कारण' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) प्रयोजन, अवसर, माता-पिता, कारणभूत, कार्य, मुकदमा, मूल, हेतु, सहायक, निमित्‍त, कारण occasion, ground, lawsuit, sake, origin, cause, argument, motive क ख - A B C ka kh पुल्लिंग - Masculine अर्थ (Meaning) a b c खाक - Dust khaak, khAk स्त्रीलिंग - Feminine अर्थ (Meaning) dust 'खाक' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) धूल dirt, shower, powder काटा - Bite kaataa, kAtA पुल्लिंग - Masculine अर्थ (Meaning) bite , cross 'काटा' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) intermixture, peevish, interchanged, opposite, transverse, affliction काया - Body kaayaa, kAyA स्त्रीलिंग - Feminine अर्थ (Meaning) body 'काया' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) majority काला - Black kaalaa, kAlA विशेषण (Adjective) अर्थ (Meaning) black 'काला' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) धुँधला, अन्‍धकारमय, मलिन, उदासीन, अन्‍धकारपूर्ण, अँधेरा dirty, dark-coloured, gloomy, dismal, jetty, wicked, sable काना - One-eyed kaanaa, kAnA पुल्लिंग - Masculine विशेषण (Adjective) अर्थ (Meaning) one-eyed करना - To Do karanaa, karanA सकर्मक क्रिया (Transitive verb) अर्थ (Meaning) to do, to make, to render 'करना' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) देना करनी - Deed karanii, karanI स्त्रीलिंग - Feminine अर्थ (Meaning) कर्म deed , action 'करनी' के अन्य सांदर्भिक अर्थ (Other contextual meanings) कर्णी, चरित्र, व्‍यवहार, करनी, कार्य fact, battle, performance, engagement, law-suit, proceeding, exploit, operation, deed
noun: protocol; plural noun: protocols
the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions.
"protocol forbids the prince from making any public statement in his defence"
the accepted or established code of procedure or behaviour in any group, organization, or situation.
"what is the protocol at a smart lunch if one's neighbour dozes off during the speeches?"
समानार्थी:etiquette, conventions, formalities, customs, rules of conduct, procedure, ritual, code of behaviour, accepted behaviour, conventionalities, propriety, proprieties, one's Ps and Qs, decorum, manners, courtesies, civilities, good form, the done thing, the thing to do, punctilio; politesse
"he was always a stickler for protocol"
the original draft of a diplomatic document, especially of the terms of a treaty agreed to in conference and signed by the parties.
"signatories to the Montreal Protocol"
समानार्थी:agreement, treaty, entente, concord, concordat, convention, deal, pact, contract, compact, settlement, arrangement; अधिक
armistice, truce;
"the two countries signed a protocol on defence and security"
an amendment or addition to a treaty or convention.
"a protocol to the treaty allowed for this Danish referendum"
a formal or official record of scientific experimental observations.
"protocols of published cases frequently lack this vital information"
a procedure for carrying out a scientific experiment or a course of medical treatment.
"a study protocol approved by the ethics committee of the hospital"
a set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between devices.

late Middle English (denoting the original minute of an agreement, forming the legal authority for future dealings relating to it): from Old French prothocole, via medieval Latin from Greek prōtokollon ‘first page, flyleaf’, from prōtos ‘first’ + kolla ‘glue’. Sense 1 derives from French protocole, the collection of set forms of etiquette to be observed by the French head of state, and the name of the government department responsible for this (in the 19th century).
protocol का अनुवाद इस भाषा में करें:
1. प्रोटोकॉल
2. नवाचार
1. संलेख
2. मूल लिपि
3. रिपोर्ट
4. आदिलेख
5. रूदाद
1. रिपोर्ट करना
2. मसविदा बनाना
Protean (adj.)
1590s, from Greek Proteus, sea god (son of Oceanusउषा  and Tethys) त्रित का पुत्र पृथु इसी से बना प्रथम शब्द  who could change his form; his name is literally "first," from protos "first" (see proto-).
Proto-Indo-European root forming prepositions, etc., meaning "forward," and, by extension, "in front of, before, first, chief, toward, near, against," etc. ....
t is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit aprata "without recompense, gratuitously;" Greek porne "prostitute," originally "bought, purchased," pernanai "to sell;" Latin pretium "reward, prize, value, worth;" Lithuanian perku "I buy."
protocol (n.)
(पॉटोकॉल )............….....................….
1540s, as prothogall "draft of a document," from Middle French prothocole (c. 1200, Modern French protocole), from Medieval Latin protocollum "draft," literally "the first sheet of a volume" (on which contents and errata were written), from Greek protokollon "first sheet glued onto a manuscript," from protos "first" (see proto-) + kolla "glue."

Sense developed in Medieval Latin and French from "official account" to "official record of a transaction," to "diplomatic document," and finally, in French, to "formula of diplomatic etiquette." Meaning "diplomatic rules of etiquette" in English first recorded 1896, from French; general sense of "conventional proper conduct" is from 1952. "Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion," Russian anti-Semitic forgery purporting to reveal Jewish plan for world domination, first published in English 1920 under title "The Jewish Peril."
कॉलम का मूल रूप :---Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to cover, conceal, save."

It forms all or part of: Anselm; apocalypse; Brussels; caliology; Calypso; calyx; ceiling; cell; cellar; cellular; cellulite; cellulitis; cilia; clandestine; cojones; coleoptera; color; conceal; eucalyptus; hall; hell; helm (n.2) "a helmet;" helmet; hold (n.2) "space in a ship below the lower deck;" hole; hollow; holster; housing (n.2) "ornamental covering;" hull (n.1) "seed covering;" kil-; kleptomania; occult; rathskeller; supercilious; Valhalla; William.

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit cala "hut, house, hall;" Greek kalia "hut, nest," kalyptein "to cover," koleon, koleos "sheath," kelyphos "shell, husk;" Latin cella "small room, store room, hut," celare "to hide, conceal," clam "secret," clepere "to steal, listen secretly to;" Old Irish cuile "cellar," celim "hide," Middle Irish cul "defense, shelter;" Gothic hulistr "covering," Old English heolstor "lurking-hole, cave, covering," Gothic huljan "to cover over," hulundi "hole," hilms "helmet," halja "hell," Old English hol "cave," holu "husk, pod;" Old Prussian au-klipts "hidden;" Old Church Slavonic poklopu "cover, wrapping."
*kel- (2)
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to be prominent," also "hill."

It forms all or part of: colonel; colonnade; colophon; column; culminate; culmination; excel; excellence; excellent; excelsior; hill; holm.

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit kutam "top, skull;" Latin collis "hill," columna "projecting object," cellere "raise;" Greek kolonos "hill," kolophon "summit;" Lithuanian kalnas "mountain," kalnelis "hill," kelti "raise;" Old English hyll "hill," Old Norse hallr "stone," Gothic hallus "rock.
"A phallus is a penis, संस्कृत पेलस् ( फलान) फाल हल आदि की -- especially when erect,[1] an object that resembles a penis, or a mimetic image of an erect penis.
Any object that symbolically—or, more precisely, iconically—resembles a penis may also be referred to as a phallus; however, such objects are more often referred to as being phallic (as in "phallic symbol"). Such symbols often represent fertility and cultural implications that are associated with the male sexual organ, as well as the male organism
Tintinnabulum from Pompeii showing a phallus
The term is a loanword from Latin phallus, itself borrowed from Greek φαλλός, which is ultimately a derivation from the
Proto-Indo-European root *bʰel- "to inflate, swell". Compare with Old Norse (and modern Icelandic) boli "bull", Old English bulluc "bullock", Greek φαλλή "whale".[2]
प्रिय :-priapic (adj.)
"phallic," 1786, with -ic + Priapus (Greek Priapos), son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, the god who personified male reproductive power. His name is of unknown origin.
(प्रीणातीति ।  प्री + “ इगुपधज्ञाप्रीकिरः कः । “  ३ ।  १ ।  १३५ ।  इति कः । )  भर्त्ता । इत्यमरः ।  २ ।  ६ ।  ३५ ॥  (यथा    आर्य्यासप्तशत्याम् । ३४७ । “ प्रणमति पश्यति चुम्बति संश्लिष्यति पुलकमुकुलितैरङ्गैः । प्रियसङ्गाय स्फुरितां वियोगिणी वामबाहुलताम् ॥ “  जामाता ।  यथा    मनुः ।  ३ ।  ११९ । “ राजर्त्विक्स्नातकगुरून् प्रियश्वशुरमातुलान् । अर्हयेन्मधुपर्केण परिसंवत्सरात् पुनः ॥ “  कार्त्तिकेयः ।  यथा    महाभारते स्कन्दनामानुकीर्त्तने ।  ३ ।  २३१ ।  ५ । “ अमोघस्त्वनघो रौद्रः प्रियश्चन्द्राननस्तथा ॥ “  ) मृगविशेषः ।  इति जटाधरः ॥  जीवकौषधम् । इति राजनिर्घण्टः ॥  ऋद्धिनामौषधम् ।  हृद्ये   त्रि ।  इति मेदिनी ॥  (यथा    महाभारते । “ सत्यं ब्रूयात् प्रियं ब्रूयात् नब्रूयात् सत्यमप्रियम् । प्रियञ्च नानृतं ब्रूयादेष धर्म्मः सनातनः ॥ “  ) प्रियोऽप्रियश्च कार्य्यवशाद्भवति ।  यथा    --“ न हि कस्य प्रियः को वा विप्रियो वा जगत्त्रये । काले कार्य्यवशात् सर्व्वे भवन्त्येवाप्रियाः प्रियाः ॥ “  इति श्रीकृष्णजन्मखण्डे ५ अध्यायः
 अकर्मकः ( प्रीयते, पिप्रिये, ) इत्यादि व्रीवत् (प्राययति) [ धूञ्प्रीञो नुग्वक्तव्यः ] इति नुग्विधौ ञित उपादानादस्य स न भवमतीति धातुवृत्तिकारः हरदत्तस्तु "श्नान्तानुकरणे दैवादिकस्य न भवति' इति "दैवादिकस्य ग्रहणेन च चौरादिकेऽप्युपलक्षयितव्य' इति पुरुषकारे कौमारास्तु व्यक्तमेव "धूञ् प्रीणात्योः' इति पठन्ति ( प्रियः ) "इगुपधज्ञाप्रीकिरः कः'' इत्यात्रेयः वृत्तौ तु प्रीणातीति ( प्रियः ) इति क्रैयादिक एव उदाह्रियते ( प्रेष्ठः, प्रेयान्, प्रेमा ) "प्रियस्थिर'' इत्यादिना प्रादेशः प्रियमाचष्टे ( प्रापयति )"णाविष्ठवत्'' इति प्रादेशे वृद्धिप्रकौ प्रीञ् तर्पण इति क्र्यादौ चुरादौ च दीङादय आत्मनेपदिनो दीङ्वर्जमनुदात्ताः स तु "श्विडीङिवर्णेषु' इति वचनात्सेट्
god of love, late 14c., from Greek eros (plural erotes), "god or personification of love," literally "love," from eran "to love," erasthai "to love, desire," which is of uncertain origin.
Freudian sense of "urge to self-preservation and sexual pleasure" is from 1922. Ancient Greek distinguished four ways of love: erao "to be in love with, to desire passionately or sexually;" phileo "have affection for;" agapao "have regard for, be contented with;" and stergo, used especially of the love of parents and children or a ruler and his subjects.
(शॄहिंसे + “शृणातेर्ह्रस्वश्च ।” उणा० १ । १२५ । इति गन् । धातोर्ह्रस्वत्वँ कित्त्वं नुट् च प्रत्ययस्य ।) पर्व्वतोपरिभागः । तत्पर्य्यायः । कूटम् २ कूटः ३ शिखरम् ४ । इत्यमरः ॥ दन्तः ५ प्राग्भारः ६ । इति जटाधरः ॥ शैलाग्रम् ७ । इति त्रिकाण्डशेषः ॥ (यथा  रघुः । १३ । २६ । एतद्गिरेर्माल्यवतः पुरस्तादाविर्भवत्यम्बरलेखि शृङ्गम् ॥”) सानुः । इति नानार्थे अमरः ॥ प्रभुत्वम् । चिह्नम् । क्रीडाजलयन्त्रम् । (यथा रघुः १६ । ७० । “वर्णोदकैः काञ्चनशृङ्गमुक्तैस्तमायताक्ष्यः प्रणयादसिञ्चन् ॥”) विषाणम् । (यथा  रघुः । १६ । १२ । “वन्यैरिदानीं महिषैस्तदम्भः शृङ्गाहतं क्रोशति दीर्घिकाणाम् ॥”) उत्कर्षः । इति मेदिनी ॥ (यथा  रघुः । ९ । ६२ । “शृङ्गं स दृप्तविनयाधिकृतः परेषा मत्युच्छ्रितं न ममृषे न तु दीर्घमायुः ॥” ऊर्द्ध्वम् । (यथा  कुमारे । ७ । ४० । “विमानशृङ्गाण्यवगाहमानः शशंस देवावसरं सुरेभ्यः ॥”) तीक्ष्णम् । पङ्कजम् । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥ (कोटिः । यथा  कुमारे । २ । ६४ । “अथ सललितयोषिद् भ्रूलताचारुशृङ्गं रतिवलयपदाङ्के चापमासज्य कण्ठे ॥” स्तनम् । यथा  भागवते । ५ ।

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

एक टिप्पणी भेजें