शुक्रवार, 5 जुलाई 2024

(-Vrij Vansh Prakashika-)

      (Vraj-Vansh -Prakashika")

Translation :-
In the Vrishni clan of Yaduvansh, Devmin ji had a son named Parjanya. He was very polite and very great for the entire Vraj community. He was the grandfather of Shri Krishna i.e. the father of Nand Baba.1.
Translation :- In ancient times, living with the cowherds in the Nandiswara region, they used to perform the penance of Svarat-Vishnu by assuming the life of a Parjanya ascetic.2.

Tapasanena Dhanyena Bhavin: Son Variyaan. 1. Nanda-namna  Jajan is in the fifth and middle position. 2  .
"Translation:-  Through great penance five noble sons were born to him. The middle son was named Nanda.3.

I am satisfied with the sight of the vase.
Family: All are also in Gokul.
"Translation:-  While living there happily, on seeing a demon named Kesi coming, Parjanya along with his family left Nandiswara out of fear and went to Gokul (Mahavana).4.

Krishnasya Pitamahi Mahimanya Kusumbhabha Haritpata.
Senior  year old  famous person Kharva: Ksheeraabh Latva.5.
"Translation:-  Krishna's grandmother (father's mother)  Vriyasi  was highly respected in all Gokula; she wore green clothes having the hue of saffron. She was short in stature, with milky hair   and was quite old.5 .

Brother, you are the siddha of the father's kingdom.
Suverjana Subhyarchana va Khyapi Parjanyasya sahodara. 6. 
"Translation:-  Nanda's father Parjanya had two brothers Arjanya and Rajanya who were famous cowherds.   They also had a sister named Subhyarchana.6 .

Gunveer: Husband: Subhyarchanaya: Suryasyaahvyapattanam.
Nivasati sma Hari kirtanyatyanishivasare. 7.
"Translation:-  The name of Subhyarchana's husband  was Gunveer  . He was a resident of Surya-kunda Nagar. He used to sing Hari's praises day and night.7.

Upanandanujo Nando Vasudevasya goodestam:.
8. Krishna's ancestors are Vrajeshwara's.
"Translation:-  Nanda, the brother of Upananda, was a friend of Vasudeva, and as the parents of Krishna, both Nanda and Yashoda were the lords of Vraja. 8.

Vasudevapi vasubhirdivyatityesh bhanyate.
As Drona's form: Famous Dundubha:.9.
"Translation:- The word Vasu signifies virtue, precious stone and wealth. Because of being illuminated by Vasu, the friends of Sri Nanda are called Vasudev. Or the pure Satvaguna is called Vasudev.
In this sense, since he is endowed with pure Satva quality, his name is Vasudev. These are the incarnations of the Vasu named Drona. These are also famous by the name Aanaka Dundubhi.9.
Vasu = (Vasu + “Sh॥svṛsnihiti.”  In 1.11. It is said) – Jewel. Thank you. Ityamar:kosh. (As, Raghu: 8.31. 'The scholars who have calmed down the accusations of strength are honoured 
Bahusrutam. Vasu tasya vibhorna only quality based purpose ॥) Vriddhaushadham. Shyamam. Thus comes the Medicinal Dictionary. Hatkam. This is the encyclopedia. Jalam. This principle is Kaumudya Munadivritti: ॥

Named after the glory of Mathura.
Vrishbhanuvarje khyato yasya dear friend: ||10|
"Translation:-  These names of Nanda have been mentioned in the Mathura Mahatmya of the Garuda Purana. Shri Vrishbhanu Ji, famous in Vraja, is the best friend of Nanda.10.

Mother Gopan Yashodatri Yashoda Shyamaldyuti:.
Love the idol! reside in Indrachapanibhambra. 11.
"Translation:-  The mother of Sri Krishna is called Yashoda because she gives fame to the Gopa caste.
The complexion of his body is dark ; he is the embodiment of love and his clothes are like rainbow. 11.

Fair complexion Yashoda's skin is Nand's skin is fair complexioned.
This caste is of black colour and is of the same colour. ॥5॥

Yashoda; tvam- you;  Nand  - Nand; tvam - you;  Gaur-  varna  -  dhruk  -  one who holds;  ayam  - that;  jata  - born;  kṛṣṇa-varṇa  - dark; etat -  kula -  in  this  family ; Vikalayanam - unusual.

"Garg Samhita- 3/5/7     

O Yashoda, you are fair in complexion. O Nanda, you are also fair in complexion. This boy is very dark. He is different from the rest of the family.

Sri Garg Samhitayan Girirajkhand, Sri Naradabahulashva conversation with the
Gop-Vivaado, name Panchmo'adhyay: ॥ 5 ॥

"Special-   Yashoda's complexion was always dark (dark). She never had a fair complexion- This fact is also written in "Shri Shri Radha Krishna Ganoddesh Deepika" written in the fifteenth century.

But in the first half of the nineteenth century, Kashi Pandit Peetha added three fake verses in the fifth chapter of Giriraj Khand of Garg Samhita by writing them at the time of publication. 
Which we have given above.

Context: -  There was a Mandaleshwar named Shrigal, who was the gatekeeper in Vaikunth below Golok like Jai-Vijay. His name was Subhadra who was born on earth after being corrupted by the curse of Lakshmi. A Brahmin comes to Krishna's Sudharma Sabha to inform about the enmity of that Shrigal towards Krishna and he tells Krishna the words spoken by that Shrigal Mandaleshwar.
O Lord, Shringal said to you: - 
Translation of the verse:-
Krishna, the son of Vasudeva, belongs to the Vaishya caste; he is also an arrogant Kshatriya."      
He calls Vishnu his devotee; hence he is a deceiver and a fraud. 6.
 {Brahma-vaivarta Purana, Section (4), 121st Chapter

As per the Adi Purana, the names of Nanda's wives, Yashoda and Devaki are given below.
Therefore, the friend of God is Shaurijaya. 12.
"Translation:-  Nanda's wife Yashoda, mentioned in the Adi Purana,  is also known as Devaki  . Therefore, due to the similarity of the name with Devaki, the wife of Shurasena's son Vasudeva, Yashoda is naturally also a friend.12.

Upnando'bhinandashcha paternal ancestors who are fathers.
You are the father of my daughters and you are my dear ones. 13 .
"Translation:-  Sri Nanda has elder brothers named Upananda and Abhinandan and two younger brothers named Ananda and Nandana. All of them are paternal uncles of Krishna.13.

"Aadya: Sitarunruchirdirghakuchau Haritpat:.
Tungi dear to the Sarangvarna Sarangshaatika..14.
"Translation:-  The eldest brother Upananda's complexion is like a mixture of white and Aruna (rising sun) colour i.e. pink. His beard is very long and his clothes are of green colour. His wife's name  is Tungi  , whose complexion and sari's colour is like that of the sarong (cuckoo's parrot). 14.
Second brotherly greetings to the wife, she  is very famous.
Patalavigraha blue colored long haired Sitambara: ||15||
"Translation:-  The second brother Shri Abhinanda  has a fair complexion like a conch shell and a long beard. He wears black clothes. His wife's name is  Peewari who wears blue clothes and whose complexion is of rose colour. 15.

Sunandaparparyay: Sanandasya cha Pandava:.
Shyamachela: Sitadvitrikeshoyam Keshavpriy:.16.
"Translation:-  Another name of Ananda is San Nanda. His complexion is of yellowish white and his clothes are black. Out of the entire hair on his head only two or three hairs have turned white. He is the most beloved of Keshav-Krishna.16.

The name of the famous wife is Sanandasya.
Wearing red colored clothes, she is like that: Kuvalyacchavi:.17.
"Translation:- The name of Sananda's wife   is Kuvalaya .
Who wears clothes of Kuvalaya (mixture of blue and light red) and has the lustre of Kuvalaya number. 17.  

Nandana: Shikikanthabhashchandatakusumbar:.
Aprithagvasati: Take away the young lover from his father.
Incredible dear Vidyutkantirabhranibhambra.18.
"Translation: -  Nandan's body shines like a peacock
The neck is like a flower and the clothes are like Chandat (Karveer) flower. Shri Nandan lives with his father (Shri Parjanya Ji). He has a tender love for Shri Hari. The name of Nandan Ji's wife  is Atulya  . Whose body glow is like lightning. And her clothes are dark in colour like clouds. 18.

Sananda Nandini's father's brother.
The phanerochisi of the empty teeth of the Kalmashavas.19.
"Translation:- (Nanda, the father of Krishna,  has two sisters named Sananda  and  Nandini  . They wear clothes of many kinds of colours.) Their teeth are empty, that is, they do not have many teeth. Their complexion is white like foam.19.

Sananda Nandinyo: Patyetyo: Kramaadmahanil: Sunil, you are Krishna's creation, pure minded.
"Translation:- The name of Sananda's husband is Mahaneel and the name of Nandini's husband is Sunil. Both of them are Sri Krishna's uncle i.e. Nanda's brother-in-law.20.

pituradhyabharatuh putrau kandaavadandavou namno:
Suble mudmaptou hundred yayoscharu mukhambujam. 21.
"Translation:-  Sri Upananda, the elder brother of Nanda, the father of Sri Krishna, has two sons named Kandava and Dandava.
Both are very happy with the morning. And
 The charming faces of both are as beautiful as lotus.21.

If you are a king then your name is Chatu-Vatukau.
Dadhissara- Havissare's similar religion in sequence:।।22.
"Translation:-  Sri Nanda has two cousins ​​who are the sons of his uncle Rajanya. Their names are Chatu and Vatu and their wives are Dadhissara and Havissara in the same order.22.

Mahamaho mahotsāho syaadasya  sumukhābhidhi :.
Lambakambusamasru: Pakvajambuphalacchavi: ||23|
"Translation:-  The name of Shri Krishna's maternal grandfather (maternal grandfather)  is Sumukh  . He is very enterprising and enthusiastic. His long beard is white like a conch shell and his body colour is like that of a ripe jamun fruit (dark-shy).23.

sri brahmavaivarte purane sri krishnajanmakhande narayana narad conversation krishna food offering description naming proposal name three dhayas yahodaya: pitrornamani padmavatigiribhanu uttau.24. 
Translation: -   In the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, under the Sri Krishna birth section, in the thirteenth chapter called Annaprashanan of the conversation between Narayana and Narada, the names of Yashoda's parents are Padmavati and Giribhanu.24.
Bhaskar: The whole Gopapadmana Giribhanusch Bhaskar:.
Wife Padmasama's name is Padmavati Sati.25.
Translation:-   Giribhanu is the Sun of the lotuses in the form of Gopas.
And his wife Padmavati is a chaste person like Lakshmi.25.

That's why daughter Yashoda is the one who enhances her fame.
Ballavana's pravro obtain Nandascha Vallabh:.26.

Translation:-   Yashoda, daughter of that Padmavati, you are one who increases fame. You have got Nanda, the best of the cowherds, as your husband.26.

Mother Gopan Yashodatri Yashoda Shyamaldyuti:.
Love the idol! reside in Indrachapanibhambra. 11.
"Translation:-  The mother of Sri Krishna is called Yashoda because she gives fame to the Gopa caste.
The complexion of his body  is dark  ; he is the embodiment of love and his clothes are like rainbow. 11.

Fair complexion Yashoda's skin is Nand's skin is fair complexioned.
This caste is of black colour and is of the same colour. ॥5॥

Yashoda; tvam- you;  Nand  - Nand; tvam - you;  Gaur-  varna  -  dhruk  -  one who holds;  ayam  - that;  jata  - born;  kṛṣṇa-varṇa  - dark; etat -  kula -  in  this  family ; Vikalayanam - unusual.

"Garg Samhita- 3/5/7     

O Yashoda, you are fair in complexion. O Nanda, you are also fair in complexion. This boy is very dark. He is different from the rest of the family.

Sri Garg Samhitayan Girirajkhand, Sri Naradabahulashva conversation with the
Gop-Vivaado, name Panchmo'adhyay: ॥ 5 ॥

"Specially,   Yashoda's complexion was always dark (dark). She never had a fair complexion - this is also written in "Shri Shri Radha Krishna Ganoddesh Deepika" written in the fifteenth century.

But in the first half of the nineteenth century, Kashi Pandit Peetha added three fake verses in the fifth chapter of Giriraj Khand of Garg Samhita by writing them at the time of publication. 
Which we have given above.

Grandmother you are Mahishi Dadhipandar Kuntala.
Patala Patali Pushpapatalabha Haritpata.27.
"Translation:-  The name of Krishna's maternal grandmother (maternal grandmother)  is Patala  . She is famous as the queen of Vraja. Her hair is yellow like the curd prepared from cow's milk, her body colour is light pink like the Patala flower and her clothes are of green colour.27.

Her beloved companion is named Ballavi.
"Translation: -   Maternal grandmother (maternal grandmother) Mukhra of Patala
A gopi named is her dear friend. She is so affectionate towards Patala that sometimes 
Ishwari Patla of Vraj when Patla is busy
She even used to breastfeed her daughter Yashoda.28.

Bharyasya Kultivarna Balaka name Ballavi.29
"Translation:-  The name of the younger brother of Sumukh ( Giribhanu) is Charumukh. His complexion is like the color of kajal. The name of his wife  is Balaka  . Whose complexion is like kulti (a kind of lentil of dark blue colour which is like the color of kajal ( anjana).29

Golo maternal grandmother brother Dhumlo Vasanchhavi:.
"Translation:- The name of the maternal grandmother (maternal grandmother) Patala's brother  is Gol  . And he wears black clothes with a smoky red tinge. Gol becomes mad when the sister's husband (brother-in-law) Sumukh makes fun of him.30.

Durvasa Samupasyaiva clan takes the Vrajojjvalam. Golasya wife Jatilika Dhwaj colour Mahodari.31.
"Translation:- As   a result of the worship of the sage Durvasa   he was fortunate to be born in the illustrious lineage of Vraja. The name of Gola's wife  is Jatila. This Jatila is   of the colour of a crow and is stout-bodied.31.

Yashodaya: Tribhatra Yashodharo Yashodev: Sudevastu. 
Atasi pushparuchaya: Pandarambar-samvrita:.32.
"Translation:- Yashoda has three brothers whose names are  Yashodhar, Yashodeva and Sudeva  - all of them have the complexion of linseed flower. All of them wear white clothes with a slight yellow tinge.32.

In this smoke-covered wife is cancer-flower poison.
Rema Roma Suremakhya: Pavanasya Pitrivyaja: ||33|
"Translation:- The wives of all these three brothers  are the daughters of the uncle (Patrivya) of Pavan (father of Visakha). Their names   are Rema, Roma and Surema respectively. They all wear black clothes. Their complexion is like that of the flower of Karkati (semul). 33.

Yashodevi- Yashasvinyavubhe maturyashodaya: brother.
All the curd and all the offerings are so named. 34.
"Translation:-  Yashodevi and Yashasvini are the siblings of Yashoda, the mother of Sri Krishna. They are also known by the names Dadhissara and Havissara respectively. The elder sister Yashodevi is of dark complexion (Shyaamali).34.

These are the flatterers and diplomats: 
Sumukhsya brother Charumukhasyaik: son: Sucharunam.35. 
Translation:-  Dadhissara and Havissara are the wives of Chatu and Vatu, the sons of the Rajanya Gopa mentioned before. Charumukh, the brother of Sumukh, has a beautiful son named Sucharu.35.
36  ​
"Translation:- Tulavati , the niece of Gola,  is the wife of Sucharu, the son of Charumakh.36.

Full moon day Bhagwati is the creator of all success.
"Translation:-  Bhagwati Poornamasi is the bestower of all accomplishments. Her clothes are of saffron colour. Her complexion is fair and her hair is white like the flower of the grass called Kash; they are somewhat long in shape.

Manya Vrajeshwaradina all the residents of Vraj. 38.
"Translation:-  Pournamasi is worshipped in Vraja by all the residents of Vraja including Nanda and is the beloved disciple of the sage Devarshi Narada who, according to the teachings of Narada.38.

Sandipani's son is very fond of Hitvaavantipuri.
Restless with the love of his own deity, he went to Gokul.39.
"Translation:-  Leaving her most beloved son Sāndipanī at Ujjain (Avantiparī), she went to Gokul, overcome by the love of her beloved god, Sri Krishna. 39.

Radha's eight friends Lalita's picture is of Vishakha.
Champakavallika you are the one who is the ignorant of the divine grace   and the goddess Sudevika.40.

"Translation:-  Radha's eight friends are Lalita, Visakha, Chitra, Champakalata, Tungavidy, Indulekha, Rangadevi and Sudevi.40.
That day Lalita Devi   is the most senior and most beloved of all. She is the seventy-two residents of the sevenfold residence.41 .
"Translation:- Of these eight senior friends, Lalita Devi is the most superior, she is twenty-seven days older than her beloved friend Radha.41.

Anuradha's fame became more intense.
I will fulfill the responsibilities  of Shikhipichhanibhambara. 42.
"Translation:-  Sri Lalita  is known by the name Anuradha and   is adorned with the qualities of the heroines Vama and Prakhara. Lalita's complexion is like that of gorochana and her clothes are like peacock feathers.42.
Lalita goes to her mother's house and her father's house is very sad.
Patirbhairava namasya: friend Govardhanasya: ।43.
"Translation:-  The name of Shri Lalita's mother is  Saradi  and her father's name  is Vishoka   . Lalita's husband's name is Bhairava who is the friend of Govardhana Gopa.43.

According to the book on hypnotic tantrasya, Radhya: friend
Kalavathi Revathi Smt. Ch Sudhamukhi.
Visakha Kaumudi Madhavi Sharada Chashtami memory.44.
"Translation:- According to the system of hypnotism Radha has eight friends - Kalavati, Revati, Shrimati, Sudhamukhi, Visakha, Kaumudi, Madhavi and Sharada.44.

Srimadhum Angal Ishachhyam Varnopi Bhavet.
The proud clothes  adorn the forest garland. 45.
"Translation:-  Shriman Madhumangal is of dark complexion. His clothes are of white colour. And forest garlands 
Are adorned with.45.
Father is Sandipirdevo, mother is Sumukhi Sati.
Nandimukhi's sister, full moon day, grandfather's mother. 46.
"Translation:- Madhumangal's father is sage Sandipani and mother's name is Sumukhi. Who is very devoted to her husband. Nandimukhi is Madhu Mangal's sister and Poornamasi is his grandmother. 46.

Pournmasya: Father is Suratdev and mother is Chandrakala Sati. Prabhavastu Patistasya Mahavidya glorious.47.
"Translation:-   Poornamasi's father's name is  Suratdev  and mother's name  is Chandrakala  . Poornamasi's husband's name is Prabal. He is famous and accomplished in Mahavidya.47.

In the month of Purnamasya, the brother of Devprastha, the Vraje Siddha Shiromani:. Two men skilled in various kinds of research are the creators of the Sangha. 48.
"Translation:- Devaprastha is  the brother of Poornamasi  . This Poornamasi is the best among the Siddhas in Vraja.
Poornamaasi is skilled in various tasks after doing research and brings together Sri Radha and Krishna.48.

Aabhirsubhruvaam  shrestha  Radha Vrindavaneshwari.
Asya: sakhyascha lalitavishakhadya: suviśrutā:.49.
"Translation:-  Radha is the presiding deity and mistress of Vrindavan, the best among the Ahir girls. Lalita and Visakha etc. are famous as the chief friends of Shri Radha Ji.49.

Chandravali's Padma's Shyama Shaivya's Bhadrika.
Tara Vichitra Gopali Palika Chandrashalika.50 .
"Translation: -  Chandavali, Padma, Shyama, Shaivya, Bhadrika, Tara, Vichitra, Gopali, Palika, Chandrashalika,

ngala  Vimala Leela Taralakshi Manorama
Kandarpo Manjari Manjubhashini Khanjanekshana..51
"Translation: - Mangala, Vimala, Neela, Taralakshi, Manorama, Kandarpamanjari, Manjubhashini, Khanjnekshana

Kumuda, Kairavi, Shari, Sharadakshi, Visharada,. Shāngrahi , Kūngra Kūngra Ma , Krishnasar Ngi Indravali , Shiva. 52.
"Translation:- Kumuda, Kairavi, Shari, Sharadakshi, Visharada, Shankari, Kunkuma, Krishna, Sarangi, Indravali, Shiva etc.

Taravali, Gunavati, Sumukhi, Kelimanjari.
Haravali, Chakorakshi, Bharti, Kamaladay: ||53||
"Translation: The gopikas like Taravali, Gunavati, Sumukhi, Kelimanjari, Haravali, Chakorakshi, Bharati and Kamala are devotees and worshippers of Krishna.

Asan yuthaani shatash:  khayatanyabhir  sutam.
Lakhs of people are saying   this - You are the one who is doing the same . 54.
"Translation:- There  are hundreds of youth (groups) of these Ahir girls and the number of bridegrooms divided in these youth is also in lakhs.54.

Now see below for the similarity of this incident 

"Translation:-   Sri Radha's father Vrishbhanu is as radiant as Bhanu (the Sun) situated in the Taurus sign. 168-(b)

The name of Shri Radha's mother is Kirtida. She is famous on earth by the name of Ratna Garbha. 169. (a)

Radha ji's father's name is Mahibhanu and maternal grandfather's name is Indu. Radha ji's grandmother's name is Sukhda and maternal grandmother's name is Mukhra. 170. (a)

"Translation:-  The name of Shri Radha's mother's sister is Kirtimati and the name of her father's sister (aunt) is Bhanumudrā. The name of her paternal uncle is Kāsh and the name of her maternal uncle is Kush.

"Translation:-   The name of Shri Radha's elder brother is Shridaman and the name of her younger sister is Shri Anangamanjari. 173.(a)

Rayaanasya Parinita Vrinda Vrindavansya presiding deity. I am Kedarnath's daughter, Krishna's devotee, who is a good friend. 1.

Brahmavaivartapuranasya Sri Krishnajanmakhandasya shadashititamo'dhyayasya antarnihite. Seventy-three hundred verses describe the wife of the royal family. 2.

uttered Vrindām Bhagavan Sarvatma Prakruteḥ Paraḥ. 134
Shri Bhagwanu says-
Tvaaya'yustpasa labdhaṃ yavadayuscha brahmanḥ.
That is why I give you the religion of Golokam Gachchh Sundari. 135.
After the penance of the body, one can attain the goal.
Mother, Gopi also joined the group of Radha.
Radha Sridamashapena Vrishbhanasuta Yada. 138.
Radha is actually like the shadow of your skin 
During marriage, the Rayaans should accept the blessings. 139.
Tvam Dattva actually Radha is destined to appear before me.
Radhaiveti vimudhaashca vigyasyanti.
Ch Gokule. 140.
Radhapadambhajam woman pashyanti ballavah in the dream.
Radha herself is my enemy and her shadow is Vrinda Rayanakamini. 141.
Vishnu's words are heard and Dadavaayuscha beautiful.
Uttasthau complete religion is heated by the fire of fire.
Purvaasmatsundar: Shrimanprananam Paratparam. 142.
Deva: It is difficult to be cautious while talking.
Neither is it false nor is it the word of God. 143.
See the translation of the above Sanskrit verses below-

Then Lord Krishna who is beyond the Supreme Soul and Nature spoke to Vrinda.

Sri Bhagavan said- Beautiful lady! By your penance you have attained the age equal to that of Brahma. 

You should give your life to Dharma and go to Golok yourself. 

There, due to the power of your penance, you will attain me in this very body.
Sumukhi Vrinda! After coming to Golok, O Vrinda! In Varaha Kalpa, you will again be the shadow of Radha, the daughter of Vrishbhanu. 
At that time, only Rayaan Gopa, born from my body, will marry you.

Then, on the occasion of Raas Leela, you will regain me along with the Gopis and Radha.

It became clear that Rayaan Gopa was married to Vrinda, the daughter of Kedar, the grandson of Manu, who was present in Vraj in the form of Radha Chhaya.

When Radha will appear as the daughter of Vrishbhanu due to the curse of Sridama, then she will be the real Radha.

O Vrinda! You will be his shadow. At the time of marriage, the real Radha will reveal you and then disappear and Rayaan Gopa will marry your shadow.

But in Gokul, the people under the influence of love will think that you are none other than Radha. 
Those gopas do not get the sight of the lotus feet of the real Radha even in their dreams; because Radha herself resides in my heart!

In this way, after listening to the words of Lord Krishna, beautiful Vrinda gave her life to Dharma. Then Dharma stood up completely.

The radiance of his body was shining like heated gold and his beauty had increased more than before. Then that gentleman bowed down to the Supreme God, Shri Krishna.
Brahmavaivartapurana /Part: 4 (Sri Krishna Janmakhandah) /Chapter:-( 86 )
Radha: Pratishthaaya Vrindaya: Swashur  Vrkagopasch Devro Durmadabhidh:.173.(b)
It is said that the Jatilika is famous because of his husband, Abhimanyu.
17 4.
"Translation: - The father-in-law of Vrinda, the reflection of Radha, was known as Vrikagopa Devara, Durmad. His mother-in-law's name was Jatila and her husband Abhimanyu was proud of his husband. His sister-in-law, who always found faults in others, was called Kutila. 174.

And in the following shloka, Radha Rani and other gopis are also referred to as Abhirs...

And in the book named Sri Sri Radha Krishna Ganoddesh-Deepika, written by the saint Srila Rupa Goswami of the Chaitnya tradition, in verse 134, Radha ji is called an Ahir girl.
/Short Part/Sri Krishnasya Preyasya:/Sri Radha/Verse: 134
Ahirsubhruvaam Shrestha Radha Vrindavaneshwari |
Asya: Sakhyasch Lalita Vishakhadya: Suvishruta: ।।

Meaning:- Among the Ahir girls of Braj with beautiful eyebrows, Vrindavaneshwari Shri Radha and her chief friends Lalita and Vishakha are the best and the most famous.

In Amarakosha, a work of the Gupta period, the word Gop is also mentioned as another name-synonym for Ahirs.

Ahir masculine adjective noun Gopal: Synonyms: 
1-Gopal, 2-Gosanghy, 3-Godhuk, 4-Ahir, 5-Vallava, 6-Govind, 7-Gop.

Raskhan has also called the gopis as Ahirs.
""That's Ahir's girls...""

Karpatri Swami also writes about the gopis as abhira in Bhakti Sudha and Gopi Geet

500 years ago, Krishna devotee Charan Ishardas Rohadia wrote in Pingal Dingal style that Shri Krishna is an Ahir in a couplet:-

The couplet is as follows:-
"Narayan Narayana, save me Ahir, I am the charan of Harigun, he has filled the ocean with milk."

Meaning:- O Narayana (Lord Krishna) who took incarnation in the Ahir caste! You are the savior of the world, I describe the qualities of Charan (Lord Vishnu), who is full of ocean and milk.

Poet Ishardas Rohadia (Charan), who is always immersed in devotion to Lord Shri Krishna, was born in Vikram Samvat 1515 in Bhadras village of Rajasthan. He has mainly written 2 texts "Hariras" and "Devyaan".

 It is clarified in a couplet written by Ishardasji 500 years ago that Lord Krishna was born in the Ahir (Yadav) clan.

Surdas ji also called Shri Krishna as Ahir and sang a raga named "Sakhi Ri, Kake Meet Ahir" in Sursagar.
Tirupati Balaji Temple was rebuilt by the Vijayanagara rulers Veerasimha Deva Raya Yadav and King Krishnadeva Raya.

The kings of Vijayanagara had decorated the peak of the Balaji temple with a golden urn. 
The Yadava kings of Vijayanagara made arrangements for regular worship, offerings, lighting around the temple and free Prasad for the pilgrims and devotees. Due to the selfless service of Yadava kings to Tirupati Balaji (Lord Venkatesh), the right of first worship in the temple has been given to the Yadav caste.

Then in such a situation it is not logical to call Abhiras as Shudras

Gopas are not Shudras but are Kshatriyas in themselves.
As mentioned in the book 'History of Sanskrit Literature' on page number 368.

With weapon in hand, he is facing everyone in the battle.
In the beginning, the conquerors were the Gop Kshatriyas.

and Garg Sahitya
 It is written in me!

 Yadav: Shrunoti Charitam Vai Golokarohnam Hare:
Liberation when one goes beyond all sins. 102.

That is to say, those who have weapons and bow and arrow in their hands, and who win the battle in the initial stages, are called Gop Kshatriyas.

The person who listens to the characters of the Gopa i.e. Ahir (Yadavs).
He becomes free from all sins.
The second bias of the opponents is also very weak
that by rearing cows the Yadavas became Vaishyas in the form of Gopas but 
Sing the world's mother, mother: the village of all beings, which gives all happiness:.
 This quote from the Mahabharata is a translation of the Vedas, which means that cow is the mother of the world.
And how can obeying one's mother be the reason for a trivial or promiscuous profession?

  Reference :- Shri-Shri-Radhaganoddeshydeepika ( ShortReference part- Shri-Krishnasya Preyasya: Prakaran- Rupadikam-

Presentation - Yadav Yogesh Kumar Rohi-

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