सोमवार, 4 सितंबर 2017
What aer difference between My and mine
it is actually very simple. "Mine" is a pronoun, that is, a word that takes the place of a noun or noun phrase. The word "Mine" by itself means "the object that belongs to me."
"My" is a possesive determiner, that is, a word that occurs together with a noun and serves to determine the reference of that noun in the context. The word "my" by itself does not mean anything, but when used together with a noun "my object" forms a noun phrase meaning "the object that belongs to me"
The pronoun "mine" may take the place of the noun phrase "my noun"
That car is my car = That car is mine
Whose car is that? a) Mine b) My car.
Your place or my place? Your plac
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