शुक्रवार, 5 जुलाई 2024

Radha- ji

(Glory of Radha Ji-)

(Biography of Shriyaduvanshsamudbhava Radhika-)

In the sixth page of the  seventeenth century book Vasudev Rahasya ( Radhatantra ) obtained from Bengal, 

the name of Radha's shadow Vrinda's mother-in-law( श्वश्रूः   ) is written as Jatila and her husband's name is Abhimanyuk. Apart from this, her sister-in-law( ननन्दा) is Kutila and Vrinda's brother-in-law's( देवर) name is Durmad.

This is the same Vrinda who was Radha's clone. She was the daughter of Dhruva's grandson Kedar. 

Vrinda looked like Radha in the eyes of the people of Vraj. This Vrinda is Rayaan's wife.

Based on the original story in the chapter (86) of the birth section of Shri Krishna in Brahma Vaivart Puran, other authors have also written on the character of Radha.

  1. "Shvashroo stu Jatilā khāyata patirmānyoātimanyuk : ॥
  2. Nananda kutilanamni devaro durmadabhidhah this vāsudevarahasye radhatantre sixth panel: ॥
  3. Poornamasi Bhagwati is the bestower of good fortune
  4. Pitamaho Mahibhaanurvvindurmamatamaho matah
  5. mother and father are pleasant and mokshadabhidhe ratnabhanu: swabhanusch bhanusch brother: father
  6. Bhadrakirtirmahakeerti: Kirtichandrashcha maternal uncle:
  7. svasa kirtimati maaturbhanumudra pitrishvasa
  8. father's husband: kāśyo mother's husband: kṛṣaḥ
  9. mother menakamena shashthi dhatri tu dhatki
  10. Sridama, ancestor brother Kanishthanangamanjari
  11. Lalita's Vishakhika is the most beloved friend.
  12. Vichitra Champakalata Rangadevi Sudevika.
  13. There is a belief in this matter of Tungavedyanglekha.
  14. Dear friends: Kurangakshi group Manakundala Malati Chandralatika Madhava Madanalasa.
  15. Manjumeya Shashikala sumadhya madhumekshana. Kamala Kamalatika Kantchooda Varangana.
  16. Sweet moonlight, love-manjari, the middle part of the body, the beautiful flower, the beautiful moon, the moon, the lotus
  17. blood-forming organ kelisundari
  18. Page 4/140Kaadambari Shashimukhi Chandrarekha Priyamvada.
  19. Intoxicated, Madhumati, spring and talkative. Ratnaveni Malavati Karpoortilakadaya: ॥
  20. Eta Vrindavaneshwaryya: Usually it is similar to Sarupyamaagata:. Always with the musk of the beautiful musk.
  21. Sindoora Chandanvati Kaumudi Muditadayah Kananadigatasya Vihartha Kala Iva.
  22. atha tasya: prakṛttyanthe preyasya: paramādbhutāḥ
  23. vanadityopyurupremsaundaryyafulbhoomi: 
  24. Chandravali's Padma's Shyama Saika's Bhadrika. Tara Chitra's Gandharvi Palika Chandramaalaika.
  25. Mangala Vimala Neela Bhavanakshi beautiful Kalpalata and Manjubhashini Manjumekhala.
  26. Kumuda Kairavi Pari Sharadakshi Visharada
  27. Shankari Kusuma Krishna Sarangi Pravashini.
  28. Taravati Gunavati Sumukhi Kelimanjari Haravali Chakorakshi Bharti Kaminiti Cha
  29. Asan yuthani hundreds of thousands of people are famous, Subhruvaam lakhs of people are said to be in this yuthe yuthe varangana.
  30. The chief thing is that you are the best among all. Radha Chandravali Bhadra Shyamala Palikadayah.
  31. Janmanamnath is famous in Madhumas, especially in the ninth month of Pushyarakshan and in the bright half of Shukla paksha, pure
  32. Radha Maheshani is PrakritiPadmini herself.
  33. tasu reme maheshani swayam krishnah shuchismite
  34. Ramanam Vasudevasya mantrasiddhestu karanam ॥
  35. Oh God! Bho dev tapasya is the best among the expanded Gods. It is said that Padmini Radha is always situated in Padmavane.
  36. The ancestors and mothers are like the soul of the creator. Padmashritya Devesh Vrindavanvilasini. Always worship Maheshani, this is the God.
  37. This is Vasudeva's secret Radha Tantra's seventh page.
  38. Now for the similarity of this episode see below Shri Shri Radha Krishna Ganoddeshy Deepika- Granth

The list of Radha Ji's family members mentioned in it is the same as in the book named Vasudev- Rahasya- Radha Tantra, but the verses have been reversed. And the spelling of some words has also changed.

Translation:- Sri Radha's father Vrishbhanu is as radiant as Bhanu (Sun) situated in the Taurus sign.168-(b)

The name of Shri Radha's mother is Kirtida. She is famous on earth by the name of Ratna Garbha. 169. (a)

Radha ji's father's name is Mahibhanu and maternal grandfather's name is Indu. Radha ji's grandmother's name is Sukhda and maternal grandmother's name is Mukhra. 170. (a)


Translation : - The name of Shri Radha's mother's sister is Kirtimati and Bhanumudra is the name of her father's sister (aunt). The name of her paternal uncle is Kash and the name of her maternal uncle is Kush.

Translation :- The name of Shri Radha's elder brother is Shridaman and the name of her younger sister is Shri Anangamanjari. 173.(a)


  • uttered Vrindām Bhagavan Sarvatma Prakruteḥ Paraḥ. 134
  • Shri Bhagwanu says-
  • tvaya'yustpasa labdhaṃ yavadayuscha brahmanḥ
  • That is why I give you the religion of Golokam Gachchh Sundari. 135
  • After the penance of the body, one can attain the goal.
  • 136.


  • Mother's future is with Gopi also
  • Radha Sridamashapena Vrishbhanasuta Yada. 138.
  • Radha is actually like the shadow of your skin
  • During marriage, the Rayaans should accept the blessings. 139.
  • Tvam Dattva actually Radha is destined to appear before me.
  • Radhaiveti vimudhaashca vigyasyanti.
  • Ch Gokule. 140.
  • Radhapadambhajam woman pashyanti ballavah in the dream.
  • Radha herself is my enemy and her shadow is Vrinda Rayanakamini. 141.
  • Vishnu's words are heard and Dadavaayuscha beautiful.
  • Uttasthau complete religion is heated by the fire of fire.
  • Purvaasmatsundar: Shrimanprananam Paratparam. 142.
  • Vrindovach
  • Deva: Shrunut madvakyam dulranghyam cautious
  • Neither is it false nor is it the word of God. 143.
  • See the translation of the above Sanskrit verses below-
  • ,

Translation :- Then Lord Krishna, who is beyond the Supreme Soul and Nature, spoke to Vrinda.

Sri Bhagavan said- Beautiful lady! By your penance you have attained the age equal to that of Brahma.

You should give your life to Dharma and go to Golok yourself.

There, due to the power of your penance, you will attain me in this very body.

Sumukhi Vrinda! After coming to Golok, O Vrinda! In Varaha Kalpa, you will again be the shadow of Radha, the daughter of Vrishbhanu.

At that time, only Rayaan Gopa, born from my body, will marry you.

Then, on the occasion of Raas Leela, you will regain me along with the Gopis and Radha.


It became clear that Rayaan Gopa was married to Vrinda, the daughter of Kedar, the grandson of Manu, who was present in Vraj in the form of Radha Chhaya.

When Radha will appear as the daughter of Vrishbhanu due to the curse of Sridama, then she will be the real Radha.

O Vrinda! You will be his shadow. At the time of marriage, the real Radha will reveal you and then disappear and Rayaan Gopa will marry your shadow.

But in Gokul, the people under the influence of love will think that you are none other than Radha.

Those gopas do not get the sight of the lotus feet of the real Radha even in their dreams; because Radha herself resides in my heart!

In this way, after listening to the words of Lord Krishna, beautiful Vrinda gave her life to Dharma. Then Dharma stood up completely.

The radiance of his body was shining like heated gold and his beauty had increased more than before. Then that gentleman bowed down to the Supreme God, Shri Krishna.


Reference:-Brahmavaivartapurana /Part: 4 (Sri Krishna Janmakhandah) /Chapter:-( 86 )

"Translation: - The father-in-law of Vrinda, the shadow of Radha, was known as Vrikagopa Devara, Durmad. His mother-in-law's name was Jatila and her husband Abhimanyu was proud of his husband. His sister-in-law, who always found faults in others, was called Kutila. 174.

Reference:- Shri-Shri-Radhaganoddeshydeepika ( Short part- Shri-Krishnasya Preyasya: Prakaran- Rupadikam-

Devaki Mathurayantu Patale Parmeshwari. Chitrakoote and Sita Vindhya Vindhya residents. 13.39 ॥


Garg Samhita Part: 1 Golok Khand: Chapter-8)

"Sri Radhika's birth description"

Shrutva and Shaunak are devoted to each other:
Srimaithilo knowledge-bhritam senior.
Again in the morning the sages are greatly devoted
to the divine deities and are devoted to Hari. ॥1॥

"Bahulashva said -
In the detailed description of your clan, I have received
the blessings of the one who is pleased with me. In the company
of the devotees of Shri Krishna
, I receive a lot of truth. ॥2॥

Sriradhaya completetamstu sakshat-
dgatva vraje kya charita chakar.
Tadbruhi me devrishi se rishis
tritaapadukhātparipāhi maa tvam ॥3॥

"Shri Narada said -
Blessed is the family of this king who
is a devotee of Shri Krishna.
Where the people of the world are completely free
, he is not a free being.

Now the Lord's holy play
is accompanied by the blessings of the good people.
For the protection of this earth,
not only Kansa but Krishna is also there. 5॥

Or Radha is the one who is the protector of Vrishbhanupatnya-
Maveshya rupam mahasah parakhyam. The king of Sumandire is the seven-faced king of
the Kalindjakulnikunja country .

The dense sky is in the middle of the Bhadra night .
Avakirandevaganah: Sfurdbhi-
Breastmandire Nandanjai: Prasunai: ॥ 7॥

Radha is like that of a bhuvu-
Ndyomalabhasch direction: Praseduh.
I am aravindragaih
sushitalaah sundarmandayanaah ॥8॥

Kirtimudamapa Gopi, who is the daughter of Sharachchandrashatabhirama .
Auspicious students of this Vidya are the ones who are the Dwijebhyo Dwilakshmanandkar. ॥9॥

I will decorate my heart with
precious stones and gold.
My friends grow like agitators,
these days I am the moon, Bhabhi: ॥10॥

Yaddarshanam devavarai: Sudurlabham
Yagyairavaptam Janjanmakotibhi.
Savigraha and the Vrishbhanumandir
are attracted towards the world by the love of the people. ॥11॥

Srirasarangasya vikaaschandrika
deepavalibhirvrishbhanumandire. I meditate on
the Golokachudamani and the throat ornaments of
the other world and I am a traveller of the earth. 12 ॥

  • "Shri Bahulashva said -
    Vrishbhanoraho Bhagyam Yasya Radha Sutabhavat.
    Kalavatya Suchandren did this in previous birth. 13.

  • "Shri Narada said -
    The great son of Nriga, Suchandro Nripatiswar:.
    The emperor Hareransho Babhuvaateev Sundar: || 14 ||
  • Manasi Kanyastri Bhoovanmanohara: In the ancestors' mind.
    Kalavati is the jewel of the garland of gems, by name Menaka. 15.
  • Kalavatin Suchandray Hareranshay Dhimate.
    Vaideha's gems are garlands of Menaka's Himalayas.
    Paribarhena vidhina swachchhabhi: Pitros dadu:.16.

  • Parvati of Sitabhudra and Menakaya's garland of gems.
    Dvyoscharitra is known by the Puranas and Mahamate. 17॥

Suchandroth Kalavatya was created at the banks of Gomti.
divyairdvadashabhirvarshaistapa brahmanastapah ॥18॥

That is why it is said by Bruhituyu according to the rules.
Shrutva Valmiki's country's decision is based on the divine form. 19.

In this net, I attain salvation through the earth.
Tacchrutva dukhita sadhvi vidhi in the morning kalavati ॥ 20॥

My husband is the supreme memory of the women.
If one attains salvation then what will be the fate of that person? ॥21॥

Without this the soul cannot attain salvation.
You are the one who is praying for the protection of your husband. 22 ॥

             "Sri Brahmavacha - I am
not afraid of being afraid of the skin, I am not afraid of the skin.
I am the one who is the one who is the trivishtapam. ॥23॥

Enjoy the happiness of the youth and make them happy.
Ganga and Yamuna are in the middle of Dwapar and Bharat. 24॥

Young Radhika is absolutely beloved.
If the daughter becomes future then she will attain salvation. ॥25॥

            "Shri Narada said -
This is the Brahmavarenath Divyaenamoghrupi.
Kalavatisuchandra's earth and two heavenly bodies. ॥26॥

Kalavati Kanyakubje of Bhalandanan kingship.
Jatismara hyabhuddivaya sacrificial pitsamudrabhava ॥27॥

Suchandro Vrishbhaanvaakhy: Surbhaanugruhabhavat.
Caste-smaro gopavar: Kamadeva ivapar: ॥ 28॥

Relation Yojayamas Nandarajo Mahamatih.
Tayoshcha castesmaryorichchhatoriuchhaya dvyo: ॥ 29.

Vrishbhano: Kalavatya akhyanam shrunute man:.
Free from all sins: Krishna's sayujyamaapnuyat. 30 ॥

"Thus Sri Garg Samhitaayam Golokkhande"

Shri Garg Ji says- Shaunak! King Bahulashva's heart was filled with devotion. He had unwavering faith in Hari Bhakti. After listening to this episode, he bowed to Devarshi Narad Ji, who was the best amongst the learned and had a very extraordinary nature and asked again.

King Bahulasva said- O Lord! You have made my clan very famous on the earth with your joyful, ever increasing and pure fame; because by the company of the devotees of Shri Krishna for a moment even an ordinary person becomes a virtuous and great soul.

What is the use of saying more on this subject . Kindly tell me what divine acts the Supreme Being performed in Vraja after descending on earth with Shri Radha.

Devarshi! Rishiswar! By this nectar of stories, please protect me from the three types of suffering.

Shri Narad Ji says- O King! That family is blessed, which has been filled with all the good qualities by the supreme devotee of Shri Krishna, King Nimi, and in which a person like you, who is endowed with yoga and free from the bondage of life, has been born.

There is nothing strange for your clan. Now listen to the most auspicious and sacred leela of the supreme being Lord Sri Krishna.

That Lord had incarnated not only to kill Kansa but also to protect the saints of the earth.


Or Radha is the one who is the protector of Vrishbhanupatnya-
Maveshya rupam mahasah parakhyam.
 The king of Sumandire is the seven-faced king of
the Kalindjakulnikunja country .


He made his radiant supreme power Sri Radha enter the womb of Vrishbhanu's wife Kirti Rani.

She was incarnated in a beautiful temple in the Nikunja region of Sri Radha Kalindajakulavarti (on the banks of Yamuna).


At that time, it was the month of Bhadrapad. It was the eighth day of the Shukla Paksha and Monday. It was midday and the sky was covered with clouds. The gods were showering the building with the magnificent flowers of Nandanvan.

At that time, due to the incarnation of Shri Radhika Ji, the water of the rivers became clean.

All directions became happy and clean. The cool breeze filled with the fragrance of lotuses was blowing slowly. Gopi Kirtida was immersed in joy on seeing the beautiful girl who was more beautiful than the hundreds of moons of Sharad Poornima.

Goloka Khand: Remaining part of Chapter 8

After performing the auspicious rituals, he donated two lakh excellent cows, which give joy, to the Brahmins, wishing for the welfare of his daughter. The one whose darshan is rare even for the great gods, the one whose glimpse the knowledgeable men cannot get even after doing penance for hundreds of births, the same Shri Radhika appeared in physical form at the house of Vrishbhanu and when the girls of the cowherds started bringing her up, then Shri Radha, being rocked daily by her friends in the cradle adorned with all the beautiful gems, made of sandalwood and adorned with gem rays, started growing every day like the phases of the moon in the Shukla Paksha.

What is Shri Radha - the moonlight illuminating the stage of Raas, the Diwali of Vrishbhanu temple, the Golok-chudaamani necklace of Shri Krishna.

I keep wandering on the earth meditating on that supreme power.

King Bahulashva asked- Muni! Vrishbhanu ji's good fortune is amazing, indescribable; because Shri Radhika herself was born to him as his daughter. What pious deeds did Kalavati and Suchandra perform in their previous lives, as a result of which they got this good fortune.

Shri Narad ji says- O King! The great king Suchandra was the son of King Nriga. The extremely handsome Suchandra was the emperor of the world. He is considered to be a part of God. In the past (Aryaama etc.) three daughters were born to the ancestors. All of them were extremely beautiful. Their names were Kalavati, Ratnamala and Menaka.

The ancestors willingly gave Kalavati 's hand to the intelligent Suchandra, who was a part of Shri Hari. Ratnamala was given to Videhraj and Menaka to Himalaya.

Along with this, dowry items were also given as per rituals. O great one! Sitaji was born from Ratnamala and Parvatiji was born from Menaka's womb. The stories of these two goddesses are famous in the Puranas. Thereafter, taking Kalavati along, the great Suchandra went to a forest named 'Naimish' (Neemsar) on the banks of Gomati.

He started performing penance to please Lord Brahma. That penance continued for twelve years as per the time measurement of the gods.

Thereafter Lord Brahma arrived there and said- 'Ask for a boon.' Termites had crawled all over the king's body.

On hearing the voice of Brahma, he assumed a divine form and came out of the bamboo (house made by termites).

He first bowed to Brahmaji and said- ' May I attain divine supreme salvation .' Hearing the king's words, the pious queen Kalavati became sad. So she

He said to Brahmaji- 'Grandfather! Husband is considered the best god for women.

If my husband is attaining salvation, what will happen to me? I will not be able to live without him.

If you give him salvation, I will curse you in distress due to the distraction in my husband's companionship.

Brahmaji said- Devi! I am definitely afraid of your curse; but the boon given by me can never fail. Therefore, you go to heaven with your husband. After enjoying heavenly pleasures there, you will be born on earth again after some time.

At the end of Dwapar, you will be born in Bharatvarsh, between Ganga and Yamuna. When the beloved of the Supreme God, Sri Radhika, appears in the form of a daughter to you both, then both of you will be liberated together.

Shri Narad ji says – In this way, due to the divine and infallible boon of Brahma ji, both Kalavati and Suchand were born on the earth.

They are the same couple 'Kirti' and 'Shri Vrishbhanu' in Gokul (Mahavan). Kalavati appeared from the sacrificial fire of King Bhalandan in Kanyakubja country (Kannauj).

That divine girl remembered everything about her previous life.

Kalavati and Suchandra of the previous birth became Kirtida and Vrishbhanu of this birth.

Suchandra was born in the house of Surbhanu Gopa. At that time, he became famous by the name 'Shri Vrishbhanu'.

He too remembered his previous life. Besides being the best among the gopas, he was extremely handsome like another Kamadeva.

The extremely intelligent Nandraj Ji arranged the marriage of these two. Both of them had the memory of their previous births, hence they loved each other and this relationship happened due to the desire of both of them.

The person who listens to this story of Vrishbhanu and Kalavati becomes free from all sins and ultimately attains the union with Lord Shri Krishnachandra.

Thus, in Shri Garg Samhita, under the Golok section, in the Narada-Bahulashwa dialogue, the eighth chapter is written titled 'Description of Shri Radhika's previous birth'.

Arishta Radha Kundabhyam bathing fruit.
The work of Rajasuya Ashwamedhaan is carried out in the same manner. 37.

"Translation- By bathing in the place where Arishtasura was killed and the pond of Radha, one gets the fruit which cannot be obtained even by Rajasuya and Ashwamedha. One need not think about it here. 37.

Gonarbrahmahatyaaya: The sins are destroyed immediately.
The pilgrimage is the one which gives salvation to the king. 38.

  • "The sin of killing a cow, a human being and a knower of Brahman is soon destroyed. 38.
  • In the Varaha Purana, the Mathura Mahatmyane includes the Govardhan Mahatmye, the Annakuta Parikrama Prabhavo name is Chaturshastyashikashatamo Chapter 164.
  • Every resident near Krishna, who is devoted to the service of the people, is fond of the Gopkanyas.
    Those who are known by many types of knowledge, are called the devotees of Hari, ॥2.43.6॥

6-Vighneshwara should not be a person who destroys fame - one who is always near Hara (Shiva), who does the pleasant work of serving Krishna , who makes those who bow before him shine, who makes the gopis laugh, who is respected even by Hara, who remains single-mindedly devoted to the Lord of the gopis (i.e. Krishna) and who has understood many kinds of methods.

  • God's intention is to worship this nunbhaktaantarayo tdritukanyayo gyandataparayoh. I am the one who has done
    all the good qualities of Radhika and I have done all the good things to you. 2,43.7 ॥

7. Krishna is capable of forgiving my offense, even if it is very serious, Krishna who has restrained His mind and turned it towards the Lord (Parameshwara-Shiva), who has removed the obstacles of His devotees, who has removed the mass of sins, who gives knowledge to those who have no wealth, who is endowed with all good qualities and who lies in the lap of Radha

  • Or Radha jagadudbhavsthitlayeshvaradhyayate va janaih shabda bodhayateeshvaktramvigalatpremamritaasvadanam.
    Raseshi Rasikeshwari Ramanatdrunnishthaanijanandini leader of the universe is Radheti who is the creator of this universe. 2,43.8 ॥

8. May that Leader protect me as I bow to that Leader who is glorified as Radha, who is appeased by the people at the time of creation, sustenance and destruction of the universe, who explains to others the favourable words for appreciating the nectar of love that emanates from the mouth of the Lord, who is the presiding deity of the Rasa dance, who is the Goddess of the Rasikas (those who have aesthetic sense) and who pleases those belonging to her group through her steadfast devotion to the heart of her lover.

  • Yasya garbhasamudbhavo hyativiradyasyaamshabhuto viraatyannaabhyamburuhodbhaven vidhinaikaantopadishtenae vai srishtam sarvamidam characharamaya vishvam cha yadromasu brahmandani vibhaanti tasya j nani shaswatprasannastu sa॥2.43.9.

9. May she be ever happy, from whose womb Ativirata (the Most Excellent) was born and of whom Virata is only a part. This entire animate and inanimate universe is created by Brahma , who was born from the lotus that emerged from the navel of the Lord and who was taught in a secluded place. Cosmic eggs shine in the pores of the Lord's body. May she who is the mother of that Lord be ever happy.

  • Paadya: All that is pervasive in the world is the Sachchidanandaabdhi: The manifested state is the pleasure of love-blind Radha .
    Kṛṣṇa: Purnatamo mamopari dayaklinnaantarah statsada yenaham good bhavaami cha bhavamyanandlinantarah ॥ 2,43.10 ॥

10. O Krishna, have mercy on me, O Krishna, the Lord of this universe consisting of all living and non-living beings; who is all-pervading; who is the ocean of existence, knowledge and bliss, and who manifests Himself beautifully with Radha who is blinded by love. O perfect and complete Krishna, have mercy on me, so that I may become virtuous and be absorbed in bliss.

  • Vashishtha said, I
    praise Jamadagnistu, Viraram is ready.
    Vigyaataakhilatattvartha harshoroma gratification ॥ 2,43.11 ॥
  • Vasistha said:

11. Having thus praised the Supreme Being, the son of Jamadagni stopped . He understood the meaning of all the principles; the hair on his body stood up as if his wish had been fulfilled.

  • Ortho saying, Prasannataatma Krishna : Kamallochan: 
    Bhargavaam salutes me and my devotees are kind to me. 2,43.12 ॥

12. Then the joyous lotus-eyed Krishna spoke to Bhargava . Bhargava bowed down devoutly to Him who was the object of His sympathy and stood before Him.

  • " Krishna said
  • Siddhosi Bhargavendra tvam prasadaanmmam sampratam. Adya, etc. Vatsasmi, Lloke Shreshthatam Bhava ॥2.43.13

Krishna said:

13. O foremost member of the Bhrigu clan! By my blessings you have now become a spiritually perfect person. O dear one, from now on be the best person in this world.

  • Tubhyam varō mayā dattaḥ pura vishnupadāśrama.
    Tatsarvam kramato bhavyam sama bahwaistvaya vibho ॥ 2,43.14 ॥

14. In the past, at the place where Viṣṇupāda performed his tapasya, I gave you a boon. O holy Lord, all this will happen in many years.

  • Mercy is required for the poor and the best wishes.
    The enemies are under control of the Yoga Sadniyo. 2,43.15 ॥

15. One who seeks supreme welfare
should have compassion on the unhappy and miserable, practise Yoga and destroy his enemies.

  • There is no such thing as a world, and the knowledge of that world is the best. 2,43.16.

16. In this world, there is no one equal to you in terms of brilliance and physical strength. In terms of knowledge and fame also, you are the best among all.

  • Or I will worship my ancestors in my own home.
    As per the time of penance, then success
    is achieved. 2,43.17 ॥

17. After returning home, serve your parents, perform tapasya at the right time. This will make the attainment of your spiritual goal within your reach.


  • Radhasangatsamutthapya Ganesham Radhikeshwarah.
    I am very close to you and I am very friendly with you. 2,43.18 ॥
  • Athobhavapi sapreetu tada Ramaganeshwaru 
    Krishnaajya mahabhago Babhuvaturarindam ॥2,43.19॥
  • At this moment Goddess Radha Krishnapriya Sati is present.
    The one who is pleased with the ubhaabhyam is very happy. 2,43.20 ॥
    Iti Shri Brahmande

18. Then Radha took Ganeshji from Radha's lap and embraced him to her heart and established his friendly relationship with Ram.

Text 19: O destroyer of enemies, at Kṛṣṇa's words, both the greatly fortunate Rāma and Gaṇeśa, became extremely pleased.

20. Meanwhile, Krishna's chaste beloved Goddess Radha was pleased and granted boons to both of them with evident joy on her face.

  • Radovach.
    The whole world worships you, O beloved of the hard-working people.
    One who is special to the devotees is the one who is the son of the world. 2,43.21॥
  • Bhavtornaam chauccharya yatkaryam yah samaarbhet 
    siddhi prayatu tatsarvam matprasadadhi tasya you ॥ 2,43.22 ॥
  • Orthovacha Jaganmata Bhavani Bhavavallabha.
    Son, Rama is pleased with you and gives you the boon.
    You are the great man who is fearful and far away.
    "Rāma said that
    he who passes through thousands of births is Yeshuyeshu Vrajāmyāham. 2,43.23.
  • Krishna-bhava-york devotees are the ones who are capable of future, 
    and they are the ones who are not engrossed in the knowledge of Krishna. 2,43.24 ॥
  • "Parvatyuvacha
    evamastu great fortunate devotees Bhavakrishnayoh 
    immortal Bhavashu tvam prasadaanamam good vow. 2.43.25.

                Radha said:
21. Your two sons will be revered by all the worlds and will be their source of happiness. You will be invincible. Especially, you will be my devotee.

22. Whoever starts any work in your name will get success in that work. Everything will happen with my blessings.

23-24. Then Bhava  (Shiva)'s beloved
Tamā, the mother of the world, Bhāvānī, said:—"O Rama! I am very pleased with you. What boon shall I grant you? O fortunate one, abandon your fear and describe it.

Rama said: Grant me this boon that in thousands of future births, I may be a devotee of Krishna and His beloved as well as of Bhaava and His beloved. I  shall see no difference between Krishna  (that is, Krishna and Radha) and  Bhaava  (Bhaava and Bhavani)."  [3]

Parvati said:
25. "O most fortunate one, so be it. You are a devotee of Bhava (Shiva) and Krishna. O knower of the sacred rituals, may you live long by my blessings.
  • Athwacha Dharadeesh: Prasannastmumaapati:.
    I bow to Bhargavendra and you are the protector of Jagadishwar: ॥2.43.26॥
  • " Shiva said
    to the devotees of Rama, O son of this Datto, I have a great love for 
    the future, and I am not able to do anything true. ||2.43.27||
  • Adyaprabhriti lokesmin bhavato balavtar:.
    There is no one who is bright and radiant in the world. 2,43.28 ॥
  • "Vaśiṣṭha said
    that Krishna's obedience to Shiva is like that of a naked girl.
    Golokam Prayayu Yuktah Sridaṃnā Chaapi Rādhaya ||2.43.29||

Text 26: Pleased, the King of mountains, the husband of Uma, the Lord of the universe, then spoke to the foremost member of the Bhrigu dynasty, who was worthy of bestowing a boon, bowing down.

Shiva said :

27. "O Rama! You are my devotee. The boon I have given you will be completely fruitful for you. I have spoken the truth. It will never be different from this.

28. From now on, there will be no one more powerful or more wealthy than you in this world.”

Vasistha said:

29. After taking permission from Lord Shiva and Parvat's daughter Uma, Krishna went back to Goloka with Sridaman and Radha.


  • Then, he is like the righteous Bhavani of Rama and he is worshipped by doing pradakshina (circumambulation). 2,43.30 ॥
  • 30-Thereafter, the righteous Rama worshipped Bhawani and Bhava and after paying obeisance to them, circumambulated them.
  • Ganesha is the lord of Kartikeya's netwaaprichchya.
    Without any objection, I am free from all kinds of misunderstandings. 2,43.31 ॥
  • 31. O Lord of the Earth, after saluting Ganesha and Kartikeya and taking leave from them, he set off homewards along with Akritavrana .
  • nishkramyamano rāmastu nandīswaramukhairganaih.
    I bow to you in this royal house. 2,43.32 ॥ ,


32. While departing, Nandiswara , the chief of the Ganas , bowed to Rama, O King, and went back to his home very joyfully.

Footnotes and references:

The alliteration of some letters (like nam and ta in verses 4a and 4b and shi in verse 5, si and no in verses 6a and 6b) is worth noticing.

In this prayer Parashurama praises Radha and Krishna, important members of the Shiva family, who helped him out of trouble by breaking Ganesha's tooth.

[2] :

“Revised as Lekha-tapa-pranashi in place of Lekha-patvinashi as the text is ambiguous.

[3] :

This Purana specifically attempts to bring Vaishnavism and Shaivism together. The boon sought here emphasizes this point.

In the Mahapuran, the third part of the Vayu-prokte Madhyama-part is written
in the Upoddhatapada of Bhargava, in the Trichatvaarishattamo-dhyay: ||43||


Radha Ji - Shri Krishna's most beloved wife was Radha. Radha is the original nature. Lakshmi Devi is considered to have two forms from her. When Krishna lives in Gokul as a man with two hands, Radha is his most beloved wife.

But when he lives in his incarnation in Vaikuntha as the four-armed Vishnu, Mahalakshmi is his most beloved wife. And she is with Narayana in the form of Lakshmi.


  • (Devi Bhagavata 9,1; Panchapranadhidevi or Panchapranaswarupini
  • My most beloved is the most beautiful woman. 44 ॥
  • The fortunate and proud woman of the whole family.
    The qualities of the left-handed form are very intense. 45 ॥
  • The essence of the supreme truth is the eternal truth.
    The one who is blessed and worshipped is of the form of supreme bliss. 46.
  • Raaskridadhidevi Sri Krishnasya Paramatman:.
    Raasamandala is the essence of the Raasamandala.47.
  • Raseshwari Surasika Rasavaasnivasini.
    Golokavasini Devi Gopi-clad Vidhayika . 48.
  • The form of supreme bliss and satisfaction.
    Nirguna and formless, free from all forms of the soul. 49.
  • The innocent and egoless devotee's devotional expression.
    According to the Vedas, the knower should be careful. 50 ॥
  • I do not see the visionary; Surendranrairmunipungavaih.
    After the purification of the body, Nanalankar was adorned. 51.
  • Kotichandraprabha is full of strength and is dedicated to the whole family.
  • The incarnation of Vrishbhanusuta is Varahe.
    yatpadma-samsparshaat-pavithra cha vasundhara.53
  • Bharate of the Brahmadibhirdshta or the omniscient.
    A woman composed of precious stones situated on the chest of Krishna. 54.
  • Yathambare ninety nine Lola Saudaamani Mune.
    Brahmana is the complete one who is sixty years old. 55 ॥
  • Yatpadpadmankhardrishtiye chaatma purify.
    Neither the vision nor the dream nor the story of direct experience. 56.
  • The one who saw ten penance, became the earth Vrindavan.
    Radha's nature is said to be like the Panchami Devi. 57.
  • Part form: Art form: Kalaanshamshasambhavah.
    Nature: Prativishwashu Devyascha Sarvayoshitah ॥ 58 ॥
  • Poornimatamaah Panch Vidyadevyaah Prakirtitaah
    Ya Yaah Pradhanamsharupa Varnayami Nishamay. 59.
  • Ganga is the purifier of the world as its main form.
    Vishnu's form is eternal and is in the liquid form. ॥60॥
  • The form of burning fire that burns the sinful sins.
    The touch of happiness and bathing gives the state of nirvana. ॥61.
  • Golokasthanprasthan is the form of a step of happiness. The sacred form of the pilgrimage river is the protector of the same. ॥62॥
  • Shambhumaulijatamerumuktpankti swarupini.
    Bharateshu asceticism is always the penance of the ascetics. 63.
  • Chandrapadmakshiranibha is the form of pure truth.
    The pure and humble Sadhvi Narayanpriya. 64.
  • Tulsi in the form of the main part of Vishnu 
    is the wife of Vishnu and the Sati in the form of Vishnu's feet. 65
  • Tapasankalpapujaadisanghasampadini muni.
    The flowers of the essence are pure and virtuous always. 66.
  • The one who sees and touches everything always gives nirvana.
    Kalu Kalushshushkedha Dahanaya fire form ॥ 67 ॥
  • yatpadma sansparshaatsadya: pure earth.
    By touching the holy place one can purify the pilgrimage. 68 ॥
  • Without this, all actions are fruitless and 
    salvation is achieved; or the seeker of desires attains all desires. 69.
  • Kalpavrikshaswarupa or Bharata tree-form.
    One who loves Indians or other gods. 70.

Sri Narayan said - In the creation of the universe, the original nature has been said to be of five types - Ganesha's mother Durga, Radha, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Savitri. ॥1॥

Narad Ji said, O best of the wise! Kindly tell me for what reason that nature appears, what is its form, what are its characteristics and how did it appear in five forms.

O Sadhu! Please tell me in detail about the character of all these forms, their worship, desired qualities and whose incarnation took place where. ll 2-3 ll

Shri Narayan said- O son! Who can describe the complete characteristics of Goddess Prakriti? Still, I am telling you in brief whatever I have heard from the mouth of Dharamraj. ॥4॥

The word ' Pra' signifies excellence and 'Kriti' signifies creation. The goddess who excels in the creation process is called Prakriti. The word 'Pra' is said to be the symbol of excellence in Sattva Guna, 'Kri' is the symbol of Rajoguna and the word 'Ti' is said to be the symbol of Tamoguna.

Those who are trigunaatmika (the three gunas) are the ones who, being endowed with all the power, are primarily involved in the work of creation; therefore, they are called 'prakriti' or 'pradhan'.5-7.

From the combination of the word 'Pra' which indicates first and the word 'Kriti' which indicates creation, the Goddess who exists at the beginning of creation is called Nature. ॥ 8 ॥

Taking recourse to Yogmaya for the creation of the universe, the Supreme Being got divided into two forms, whose right side part is called Purusha and the left side part is called Prakriti. ॥9॥

He is the form of Brahma, is eternal and is everlasting. Just as the burning power is present in the fire in an inseparable form, in the same way the Supreme Being and the power in the form of nature are also inseparable. ॥10॥

O Brahman! O Narada! That is why Yogis do not believe in any difference between male and female God and they constantly think that everything is Brahmamay.॥ 11॥

Special:- The word Brahman which means God is always used in the neuter gender. The derivation of the word Napunsakam from the grammar system is- Na = no + Napunsak = male and female. It means one who is beyond both male and female gender characteristics.

Naupaskam, Kleevam (neither woman nor man. “Nabhraṇṇa- diti.” 6.3.75. So, in the absence of a woman, a man is impotent.) Kleevam.

By the will of free-spirited Shri Krishna, the original nature Goddess Bhagwati suddenly appeared with the desire to create the universe.

By His order, becoming the presiding deity of different tasks and by the request of the devotees, she assumed five forms to bestow grace on them. ॥12-13॥

1 - The one who is Ganesha-Mata Durga, Shivapriya and Shiva form, she is also Vishnumaya Narayani and is the form of Purna Brahma. Brahma and other gods, sages and Manus all worship and praise her. She is the presiding deity of all, is Sanatani and is the form of Shiva. 14-15.

She is the embodiment of religion, truth, virtue and fame. She also gives fame, welfare, happiness, joy and salvation and is the destroyer of grief, sorrow and troubles. ॥16॥

She constantly protects the poor and suffering people who come to her for shelter. She is the embodiment of light, her form is extremely radiant and she is the presiding deity of the brilliance of Lord Krishna. 17.

She is the omnipotent form of being and is the eternal power of Maheshwar. She is the one who gives siddhi to the seekers, she is the form of Siddhi, Siddheshwari, Siddhi and Ishwari. Intelligence, sleep, hunger, thirst, shadow, drowsiness, mercy, memory, caste, calmness, delusion, peace, radiance, consciousness, satisfaction, nourishment, Lakshmi, courage and Maya - these are their names.

She resides near the Supreme Being Shri Krishna in the form of all-power. ॥18-20॥

In the Shrutis, His famous qualities have been described in brief, as is also mentioned in the Agamas. That Ananta has infinite qualities. Now listen about the second form. ॥21॥

Mahalakshmi who is the form of pure Sattva is also the energy of the Supreme Being. She is the embodiment of all wealth and  is the presiding deity of all riches. 22.

He is beautiful, extremely disciplined, calm, well behaved, has the most auspicious form and is devoid of greed, attachment, lust, anger, pride and ego. ॥23॥

Bestowing grace on her devotees, most devoted to her husband, equal to life for the Lord, his beloved and sweet-talker, presiding deity of all wealth and grains and the form of livelihood, that Goddess Sati Mahalakshmi remains engaged in the service of her husband Lord Vishnu in Vaikuntha. 24-25.

She resides in the form of Swargalakshmi in heaven, Rajlakshmi among kings, Grihalakshmi in the houses of householders, and resides in the form of beauty in all living beings and objects.

She is beautiful. She resides in the form of fame among the virtuous, in the form of splendor among the kings, in the form of commerce among the merchants and in the form of discord among the sinners. She is said to be compassionate. She has been described in the Vedas. She is respected by all, is worshipped by all and is to be revered by all.

-Now listen to me about the other form. ॥ 26-283 ll

Goddess Saraswati is the presiding deity of speech, intellect, learning and knowledge of the Supreme Being and the embodiment of all learning . She provides wisdom, poetic power, intelligence, talent and memory to humans. She is said to have the ability to explain different theories, is the form of explanation and understanding and is the destroyer of all doubts.

She is the thinker, the author, the embodiment of power, and the cause of sound, music, and rhythm.

He is the embodiment of subject matter, knowledge and speech; He is the life-giving power of all living beings. They are interpreters and debaters; She is the embodiment of peace and holds a veena and a book. She is endowed with pure Sattva Guna, is well behaved and is dear to Shri Hari. Their radiance is like that of snow, sandalwood, kund, moon, water lily and white lotus.

Chanting the name of Lord Krishna while holding a rosary of gems, she is the embodiment of penance itself and gives the fruits of their penance to ascetics.

She is the embodiment of Siddhi Vidya and always provides all types of Siddhis. I have described a little about the third power , Jagadambika Bhagwati Saraswati, propounded in the Shrutis and described in the Agama, without whose grace the group of Brahmins always remains mute and like dead. Now listen to me about other powers. 29-37 ॥

That wise Savitri is the mother of all the four Varnas, Vedangas, meters, Sandhyavandan mantras and all the Tantras. They are the caste form of the Dwijaya castes; She is the form of chanting, asceticism, the brilliance of those who are enlightened by Brahman, and the form of all sanskars. 38-39.

3-4-The third and fourth Brahmapriya Savitri and Gayatri reside in the most sacred form; even the pilgrimage places desire their touch for purification. 40.

She has the lustre of pure crystal, is of the quality of pure Sattva, is eternal, is a supreme power and is of the form of supreme bliss. Hey Narada! She is the form of the Supreme Brahma, the one who gives salvation, the form of the divine power and the presiding deity of Shakti, by the dust of whose feet the entire world gets purified.

  • Thus I have described the fourth power. Now I will tell you about the fifth power Radha. ॥ 41-43 ॥
  • Who is the presiding deity of the five vital breaths, is the form of the five vital breaths, is the most beautiful of all powers, is more dear to God than even his own life, is endowed with all virtues, is fortunate, is glorious, is the left side of Sri Krishna and is equal to God in virtue and brilliance; He is the eternal, the essence, the supreme, the original, the eternal, the most blissful, blessed, respected and revered. 44-46 ॥
  • She is the presiding deity of the Raas Leela of Lord Krishna. She has appeared in the Raas Mandal. She is adorned with the Raas Mandal. She is Goddess Raaseshwari, Surasika, resides in the abode of Rasa, resides in Goloka, wears the guise of a gopi, is the embodiment of supreme bliss, is the form of satisfaction and joy, is the Self- form, is without attributes, is formless and is totally detached.47-49.

She is desireless, egoless and gracious to her devotees. Wise people have come to know her by meditating on the path prescribed by the Vedas. ॥50॥

They do not even come in the sight of Gods, Devendras and great sages. She is dressed in clothes as pure as fire, is adorned with various ornaments, has the glow of a million moons, is strong and is filled with all the opulences. She is the one who bestows unique devotion and wealth to Lord Krishna. 51-52 ॥


  • वाराह कल्प में उन्होंने [व्रजमण्डलमें] वृषभानु की पुत्री के रूपमें जन्म लिया, जिनके चरणकमलों के स्पर्शसे पृथ्वी पवित्र हुई। ब्रह्मादि देवों के द्वारा भी जो अदृष्ट थीं, वे भारतवर्ष में सर्वसाधारण को दृष्टिगत हुई।
  • हे मुने! स्त्रीरत्नोंमें सारस्वरूप वे राधा भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण के वक्षःस्थल में उसी प्रकार सुशोभित हैं, जैसे आकाशमण्डल में नवीन मेघों के बीच विद्युत् लता सुशोभित होती है।
  • पूर्वकाल में ब्रह्माजी ने आत्मशुद्धिहेतु जिनके चरणकमल के नख के दर्शन के लिये साठ हजार वर्षोंतक तपस्या की, किंतु स्वप्न में भी नखज्योति का दर्शन नहीं हुआ; साक्षात् दर्शन की तो बात ही क्या ? उन्हीं ब्रह्मा ने पृथ्वीतल के वृदावन में तपस्या के द्वारा उनका दर्शन किया।
  • मैंने पाँचवीं देवी का वर्णन कर दिया; वे ही राधा कही गयी हैं ।।53-57 ॥
  • प्रत्येक भुवन में सभी देवियाँ और नारियाँ इन्हीं राधा प्रकृतिदेवी की अंश, कला, कलांश अथवा अंशांश से उत्पन्न हैं ॥ 58 ॥
  • *********
  • भगवतीके पूर्णावताररूप में जो-जो प्रधान अंशस्वरूपाFive Vidya Devis have been mentioned, I am describing them; listen. ॥ 59॥

The purifying Ganga is the main part of the universe. She has appeared from the divine form of Lord Vishnu and resides in the eternal form of Brahma fluid. 60.

Ganga is like a blazing fire for burning the fuel of the sins of sinners; but [for the devotees] it is soothing and gives salvation through bathing and drinking water. ॥ 61॥

Ganga is like a comfortable ladder to go to the divine worlds like Goloka, purifies the holy places and is the best among the rivers. Ganga, which looks beautiful like a pearl necklace in the matted locks of Lord Shankar, makes the penance of ascetics in India successful very quickly.

Her water is as white as the moon, milk and a white lotus and she is the embodiment of pure Sattva. She is clean, egoless, virtuous and beloved of Narayana. ॥ 62-64 ॥

Vishnuvallabha Tulsi is also the main incarnation of Bhagvati. She always sits at the feet of Lord Vishnu and is his ornament.

O sage, all the good deeds of austerity, determination and worship are accomplished through Him. He is the essence of all flowers and is always pure and full of virtues. ॥ 65-66.


She grants salvation quickly by her sight and touch. She is in the form of fire to burn the dry fuel of Kaliyuga's sins.

The earth is quickly purified by the touch of whose lotus feet and even pilgrimage sites aspire to purify themselves by seeing and touching Him. 67-68.

Without whom all the deeds in the entire world become futile. She is the giver of salvation to the seekers, is a woman of pleasure and provides all kinds of pleasures. She is the form of Kalpavriksha, the Supreme God who appeared in the form of a tree in India to please the Indians. 69-70.

The above referenced verse is from the first chapter of the ninth skandha of the Devimaha-Bhagavata Purana.


(Brahmavaivarta Purana, 2, 49 and 56-57 and Adi Parva Chapter 11).

There are different stories given in the Puranas about the birth of Radha, which are as follows:—

(i) She was born in Gokul as the daughter of Vrishbhanu and Kalavati. (Brahmavaivarta Purana, 2, 49; 35-42; and

  • Radha Ji reference in Narada Purana, 2. 81)-
  • Mahyam proverbs the gods predict the future.
    Sukhamaste's worship is for the God: Krishna and Radha. 81-25.
  • Goloke'sminmaheshan gopgopisukhavah.
    Sa kadāchiddharāloke Mathura mandala Shiva.81-26.
  • I will do the sports of Vrindavan in the form of a bird.
    Vrishbhanusuta Radha Sridaman Hare: Priyam. 81-27.
  • ********
    Friend, I am leaving the world and I am angry.
    Therefore, the great Radha is pleased with him. 81-28.
  • This is the myth of the human world: cursed by you.
    Hari (the one who attains salvation) after the Brahmana is prayed for. 81-29.
  • Vasudeva future is the one who removes the earth's burden.
    Yadavanandan is born in Vasudev's house. 81-30.
  • Kansasurbhiya, after the two sides of the ocean,
    goes there and Hari attains Putana, the killer of children. 81-31.
  • In the northern part of the Brihadupakhya of the Sri Brihannaradiya Purana, in the conversation between Vasumohini and the character of Vasu, the name of the character is described in detail. 81.
  • The above reference is from the (81st) chapter of the latter part of the "Narada Purana" regarding Radha Ji. )
  • ,
  • (ii) She was obtained as a Bhumi-daughter when king Vrishbhanu was preparing the land for performing a yajna.
  • (Padma Purana)
  • Brahmakhand Chapter-7)
  • Krishna is situated there in the Radha-Prasada. Radha-ashtmi fast is not observed by anyone, otherwise he will be foolish. 31.
  • hell-bound.
    32. Women who do not follow the fast.
  • Radha Krishna: I love all sins.
    After going to Yampuri he goes to hell.

(iii) She was born from the left side of Krishna. (Brahmavaivart Purana)

(iv) At the time of Krishna's birth, Lord Vishnu asked his followers to take birth on earth. Accordingly, Krishna's beloved wife Radha took birth in Gokul on the morning of Shukla Ashtami in the month of Bhadrapad in the Jyeshtha nakshatra. ( Adiparva 11),

(v) Once Krishna went to the pleasure-room (Rasamandala) with the gopi woman Viraja. Knowing this, Radha followed Him into that room, but neither of them was seen.

On another occasion, when Radha found Viraja with Krishna and Sudama, she became very angry and insulted Krishna, following which Sudama cursed her to be born as a human being and suffer the pain of separation from Krishna.


(Brahmavaivarta Purana 2.49)

And Radha cursed him to be born in a demon clan. Due to this curse of Radha, Sudama was born as a demon named Shankhachud. (Brahma Vaivartapurana, 2. 4. 9. 34)

(vi) Radha is considered to be one of the five powers that assist Lord Vishnu in the creation process. (Devi Bhagavata 9.1;

Narada Purana - Uttar Bhag - Reference to Radha's birth

  • Narada Purana Part 2, Chapter 81)
  • -Golokesminmaheshan Gopagopisukhavah.
  • Sa kadachiddharaloke Mathura Mandale Shiva. 81-26.

  • Radha Sridaman Hare: Priyam. 81-27 .
    Friends, when I am separated from you, I swear by your anger
    and then the great Radha is pleased with me. 81-28.
  • This is the myth of the human world: cursed by you.
    Hari (the one who attains salvation) after the Brahmana is prayed for. 81-29.

Vasudeva future is the one who removes the earth's burden.
Yadavanandan is born in Vasudev's house. 81-30.

(vii) Radha is the mental energy of Shri Krishna. (For details see Panchaprana)

According to verse 2 of the 3rd chapter of the Shiva Purana Rudrasamhita, Radha is the wife of Krishna and was born as the daughter of Kalavati, who was cursed by Sanatkumara.

—Accordingly, as Sanatkumara said after cursing the three daughters of Svadha (viz. Maina, Dhanya, Kalavati):—“

O three daughters of the Pitris (i.e. Kalavati), listen happily to my words, which will remove your sorrow and grant you happiness.

The youngest Kalavati will be the wife of Gopa-Vrishabhan. Radha will be her daughter at the end of Dvapara. By the virtue of Vrishabhan Kalavati will become a living liberated soul and will attain Goloka with her daughter.

There is no doubt about this. O daughters of the Pitris (i.e., Kalavati) you will shine in heaven. Your evil deeds have been pacified by the sight of Vishnu. Radha, the daughter of Kalavati, will become the wife of Krishna, residing in Goloka and will be bound to Him in secret love".

— Radha in Vaishnavism terminology

Source: Pure Devotion: Brihad Bhagavatamritam

Radha means :- The eternal wife of Sri Krishna and incarnation of the Hladini Shakti, known as Mahabhava-Swarupini, the personification of the supreme bliss of divine love

He is the source of all the gopis, the queens of Dwaraka and Lakshmi of Vaikuntha.


  • Shaunak said-
  • The story of the great sage Golokam who travels by his deeds. The people who are not in the world are the same. Radha Ashtami is the source of this greatness. 1.
  • Yarn said-
  • Brahman Narado's Prichchhatpura Chaitnamahamahune. Tacchhrinushwa Samasena Prishtvans Iti Dwija 2.
  • Narada said-
  • Grandfather is great pragya and knowledgeable of all scriptures. Radha Janmashtami is said by me: 3.
  • Tasya: The fruits of virtue or the deeds of the whole world, the awakening of the people, the worship of the great ones, that is, the great ones.
  • I have to do this only when I am doing this. Basically, I am the one who is doing this.
  • Brahmovaach-
  • Radha Janmashtami son of Shrinushva is well absorbed in it. Kathayami is completely absorbed in it without Harina 6.
  • Narada says that there is no virtue left in it. The sins that are destroyed by millions of people are important like the murder of a brahmin.
  • This devotional act of Kurvanti gets destroyed immediately. Ekadasha: Thousands of people get this fruit: 8.
  • Radha Janmashtami is the holy day of Tasmaachchatgunadhikam. Meru-like, golden data and fruit measurement 9.
  • Sakrudradhaashtmi Kritva Tasmaachchatgunadhikam. Kanyadan Sahasren Yat Punyam Prapyate Janai: 10.
  • One who gets the bath of the tirtheshu of the Ganga, you get the bath of this tirtheshu.
  • ,
  • KrishnapraanpriyashtamyaH phalam prapnoti manav: eta dvratam tu yah sinner helaya shraddhayapi va 12.
  • 13.
  • Sumadhyā Harineetra Shubhangi Charuhasini. Sukeshi Charukarni's name is Lilavati Smriti 14.
  • And many sins are done by strengthening it. Once an aspirant of spiritual practice, without any desire, automatically gets 15.
  • Wise people should see there in Gatanyanagar. Radha Ashtami fast is observed by beautiful gods.
  • Gandhapushpaerdhupadipaervastrairnaanavidhaih fallah. Devotion: Worshiping Radha or the idol of Murthimuttamam 17.
  • One who plays the dance and reads the hymns. The 18th note is played on the rhythmic instruments.
  • The curiosity of the world is in harmony with the teachings of the same God. 19.
  • Bhobha: Punyatmano Yuyam Ki Kurvanto Mudanvitaah.
  • 20.
  • Tasyastu vachanam shrutva parakaryahiterata: .Aarebhire tada vaktu Vaishnava vrattatpara: 21.
  • Radhavratin uchuḥ-
  • In the month of Bhadra Sri Radhika goes to Sitashtamaya. On the eighth day of the worship, efforts are made to complete the work: 22.
  • The sins caused by killing a cow are like the killing of a brahmin. Killing another's wife and killing the guru.23.
  • Betrayal is caused by the murder of a woman and this is done by doing this on the Chashtami dance.24.
  • Those words of Shrutvaa Sarvapatakaanashanam. Karishyaamyahamityeva Paramrishya again and again 25.
  • 1. Pray for the five divine blessings which are due to the serpent's wound. 26.
  • Therefore, the messenger of Yamagya: Paashmudgarpanaya:. Agatasta is like a bandhuratikrchrat.27.
  • When one is free from the thoughts of the mind, one is oriented towards the world. Tadagata Vishnuduta: Shankhachakragadadhara: 28.
  • Hiranyamaya plane's king swans are auspicious. Piercing the chakradharabhi: The noose is created quickly. 29.
  • Rathore Charopayamasustan Women passing by Vishnupuram are the ones who are the protectors of Golokakhya Manoharam 30.
  • Radha is situated there in the fast and Prasad:  Radhashtmi fast, therefore, father, you are not a fool. 31.
  • 32. Women who do not observe fasts without permission.
  • Radhavishno: Lover of all sins. After going to Yampuri, one goes to hell. 33.
  • Sometimes the birth of the earth is like a widow named Dhruvam.  Once the earth was destroyed by the evil association.
  • I have given you the blessings of Gaurav.  35. I am crying again and again because of the sorrow.
  • I am with you in the company of Lord Vishnu.  36. Krishna invites you to join this world in your worship.
  • Then, the whole universe is created.  I am the one who is the protector of the body and that too with the help of 37.
  • Tacchrutva sahito daivairaagatah prithiveetalam . 38.
  • Said words of the goddess on the earth. 39. Earth is destroyed by the destruction of the earth.
  • Thus, Radha appears before the earth as per the scriptures.  The date of the month of Bhadra is Ashtami, which is 40.
  • Radhika goes to the sacrificial ground  for the purpose of sacrifice, who is the seer of the divine form. 41.
  • King, you are the one who attains your own temple  .  Dattavanmahishim Neetva Sa Cha Tam Parypalayat 42.
  • Thus it is said that the father  is confidential and the secret is confidential. 43.
  •              "The thread said-
  • I am an ardent devotee of the fourfold fruit of my life. 44. One who is free from all sins.

Thus, in the Sripadme Mahapuran, in the Brahmakhande, in the conversation between Brahmanarada and Sriradhaashtmimahatmynam, the seventh chapter is written: 7.

"Translation :-

Chapter 7 - The Greatness of Radhastami-

Saunak said: O very intelligent one, O very intelligent one, tell me due to which deed a man goes from that ocean of existence, which is difficult to cross, to the world of cows, and O Suta! Tell me about Radhastami and its great significance.

Sutji said: O Brahmin! O great sage! In the past, Naradji had asked the same question to Brahmaji. Listen briefly to what he had asked him.

Narada said:

3-5. O Grandfather, O most intelligent, O best among the knowers of all the holy scriptures, O beloved, tell me about Radha Janmashtami. O Lord, what is its religious fruit? Who observed this fast in ancient times? O Brahman, what sin do those who do not observe this fast commit? How is the fast observed? When is the fast observed? Tell me everything from ancient times till now, from which Radha was born.

Brahma said:

O Narada! No one other than Lord Vishnu can tell its merits. The sin of killing a brahma, earned through millions of births, is destroyed in a moment by observing the fast with devotion. The religious merit of observing Radhajanmashtami is hundred times more than the merit obtained by observing the fast of one thousand Ekadashis. The merit obtained by observing the fast of Radhajanmashtami once is hundred times more than the merit obtained by donating gold equal to Meru (mountain).

People get the same reward from Radhastami, which (virtue) is obtained by marrying a thousand virgins. A man gets the reward of Ashtami of Krishna's beloved (i.e. Radhastami) which he gets by bathing in holy places like Ganga etc. Any sinner who observes this fast with enjoyment or devotion goes to Lord Vishnu's heaven along with his one crore family members.


13-20. O child! In the olden days of Krita-yuga there lived an excellent, most beautiful woman, who had a beautiful (i.e. slender) waist, whose eyes were like those of a deer, whose form was beautiful, whose hair was beautiful, whose ears were beautiful, her name was Lilavati .

She had committed grave sins. Once, in her greed for wealth, she left her town and went to another town. There she saw many wise men observing the Radhastami fast in a beautiful temple. They were worshipping Radha's beautiful idol with sandalwood, flowers, incense, lamps, clothes and various kinds of fruits. Some were singing, dancing and reciting excellent hymns. Some were joyfully playing the Veena and beating the drums. Seeing them like this, she went to them with curiosity and asked them humbly: "O pious souls! What are you doing joyfully? O pious souls! Tell me what I am also doing humbly."

21-24. Those devotees who were ready to observe the fast and interested in helping others started speaking.

Those who were observing the Radha Vrat said: " Today is the Ashtami Tithi on which Radha was born - i.e. the Ashtami Tithi of the Shukla Paksha. We are observing it carefully. This Ashtami Vrat, if observed in this manner, quickly destroys a man's sins, such as cow slaughter, theft, killing a Brahmin, abducting another's wife, insulting the Guru's bed (i.e. wife) etc."

Hearing his words and thinking repeatedly that 'I will observe this fast which destroys all sins' she observed that great fast there along with the other fasting people. That devoted wife died due to snake bite.

Then, by the order of Yamaraja, Yama's messengers came there with nooses and hammers and tied her up after tormenting her a lot. When they decided to take her to Yamaloka, Vishnu's messengers came there holding conch and mace. They brought with them an auspicious plane made of gold, drawn by majestic swans. They immediately cut the nooses with the edges of the wheels and put the sinless woman in the chariot.

They took her to Goloka, the beautiful city of Swarat Vishnu, where, due to the propitiousness of the fast, she started living with Krishna and Radha. O dear, the foolish person who does not observe the fast of Radhastami, does not get liberation from hell even for hundreds of crores of kalpas. Women who also do not observe this fast, which brings good luck, pleases Radha and Krishna, and destroys all sins, ultimately go to the city of Yama and fall in hell for a long time.

Even if by chance they are born on earth, they certainly become widows. O child, once this earth was infested with groups of wicked people.

She became a cow in utmost helplessness and came to me. Crying repeatedly, she told me her sorrow. Hearing her words, I went to Lord Vishnu. I immediately told Lord Krishna the intensity of her sorrow.

He said to me, "O Brahman! You go to the earth with the gods. After that I will also go there with my servants." Hearing this I came to the earth with the gods.


Then Lord Krishna said to Radha that she is more precious than his life, "O Goddess! I am going to the earth to relieve the burden of the earth. You also go to the earth." Hearing this, Radha also went to the earth. That Radhika was born on the eighth day of the Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapad month on the Yagya land of Vrishbhanu during the day.

When she was purified for the sacrifice, she appeared divine in form. The king was pleased and took her home and handed her over to his queen. She too raised her.

43. So, O child, the things that I have told you must be kept secret, kept secret, kept carefully secret.

Sutji said:

The person who listens to this Vrat Katha with devotion, he gets the fruits of all the four Purusharthas, he gets freed from all the sins and finally goes to Lord Vishnu's home.


"This is the sixteenth chapter of Vasudev Mahatmya of the Vaishnava section of Skanda Purana. In which Radha ji is introduced.

Chapter 16 - Description of Goloka-

Original: Section 9 - Vasudeva-mahatmya-

Note: Goloka is above the divine realms.

Mahabharata, Shanti 347.52). The description of Goloka in Mahabharata, Anusasana 83.37-44 is somewhat different from the one given here.

This Goloka is a replica of the Vrindavan region where Krishna spent his childhood in the community of cowherds. The same people - gopis, Radha, her friends, Krishna's playmates, his Raas dance, cows etc. are very divine in the Goloka of this Purana.

Skanda said:

1. Climbing to the top of Mount Meru, Narad ji saw the white island and thousands of liberated souls present in it with his divine vision.

2. Focusing his gaze on Lord Vasudeva, the Mahayogi instantly rose up and reached the place.

3. On reaching the white island, Narada was very happy; he saw the auspicious devotees there who were of white complexion and had radiance like the moon.

4. He bowed his head and worshipped Him and was worshipped by Him in his mind. He stood there ashamed (i.e. in a difficult situation) with a desire to see the Supreme Being.

5. Knowing that he (Narada) is an exclusive devotee of Lord Viṣṇu, he became pleased (i.e. satisfied) in bhāgavata (follower of the Lord) mind. He spoke to him, reciting the twelve syllabled mantra of the Lord:

The white-frees said:

6. O great sage! You are a devotee of Krishna. That is why you are able to see us, who are difficult to see even for the gods. What desire is troubling you?

Narada said:

I am very eager to see Lord Krishna, who is the Supreme Brahman Himself, who is the Ruler (of the universe). O His beloved great devotees, show Him (to me).

Skanda said:

8. Then a white liberated soul, guided by Krishna in his heart, said, "Come, I will show you Krishna." Saying this, he went ahead.

9. Then the sage Narada, extremely pleased, after seeing the abodes of the gods, went along with them up through the sky.

10. O best Brahmin! Seeing the Saptarishis (Ursa Major) and the Pole Star, he did not get attached to anything. He crossed the regions called Maharloka, Janloka, Tapoloka.

11. Thereafter, having seen the world of Brahmā, the sage Svetmukta, by the will of Kṛṣṇa, found his way through the eight sheaths also.

Crossing the elements of earth, water, fire, air, sky, ego, mahat and nature, each of which is ten times bigger than the other, he reached the wonderful Goloka.

13. It was a magnificent abode, accessible only to those devoted to Krishna. While going, he saw the river Viraja which was very wide and bottomless. [2]

14. Due to many cowherds and milkmaids bathing in it, it had the fragrance of sandalwood. It looked very beautiful with white, red and blue lotuses.

15. He arrived at the bank of a river which was very wide, breathtaking, and full of crystals and gems. The river was adorned with precious gems of white, green, red and yellow colours.

16. It was filled with rows of wish-fulfilling trees. It was adorned with coral trunks. It was decorated with mines of Syamantaka, sapphire and other precious stones.

17. That ghat was very beautiful, and its steps were studded with various kinds of precious gems. Swans, Karankadav ducks (and other aquatic birds) were chirping there in sweet voices.

18-19. The splendid, transparent water of that river was being drunk by numerous wish-fulfilling cows, excellent elephants and horses. He crossed it. By the Lord's will, crossing in a moment the divine river that forms a moat around the Lord's abode, he reached the Shatashringa mountain ('the one with a hundred peaks').

20. It was made of gold and was beautiful. Its height was ten crore yojanas. Its expanse was one hundred crore yojanas and it was captivating to the mind.

21-22. It was adorned with thousands of wish-fulfilling trees and trees like parijata etc. and creepers like mallika, yuthika (various varieties of jasmine), clove and cardamom. It was also adorned with golden banana trees and a multitude of paradise deer, elephants and sweet-voiced birds.

23. He saw the Lord's pleasing Rasamandapa (buildings erected for the dance called Raasa) spread out in His palatial abode on the beautiful peaks.

24. They were surrounded by a series of gardens, fragrant with flowers in full bloom. They looked beautiful with jeweled paneled doors on all four sides.

25. They were adorned with wonderful arched gateways, and had thousands of jeweled pillars. They had pillars of banana trees and windows hung with pearl garlands.

26. He was offered auspicious durva grass, roasted grains, unbroken rice and fruits. Sandalwood, andaj, musk and saffron were sprinkled on his four-armed places.

They were very pleasing to the heart, and the sound of various sweet instruments was pleasing to the ears (and therefore worth listening to). There he saw groups of millions of gopis.

28-30. He was decked in priceless clothing and ornaments, and his hands were adorned with fine jeweled bangles, girdles, anklets, armlets and rings. He was blessed with youth, beauty of form and figure, and his voice was incomparably sweet.

His complexion was like that of Radha and Lakshmi and his hands were full of love. He was enjoying himself by singing sweet songs about Krishna while sitting in a room furnished with various kinds of entertainment items.

31. O Savarni, at the foot of that mountain the sage Narada saw a great forest called Vrindavan.


Krishna'sya Radhika's body's beloved from that kridanasthalam. Kalpadrumalibhi is very lovely and the whole body is surrounded by flowers. 32.

Sri Skande Mahapuran Ekashiti Sahasriya Samhitas in the second Vaishnavkhand of Sri Vasudeva Mahatmye, the name of Goloka is mentioned in sixteenth chapter. 16.


32. This was the favorite playground of Krishna and Radha. The place was beautiful with rows of wish-fulfilling trees and lakes with blooming lotuses.

33-37. This place was adorned with trees like mango, plum, kadamba , plum, pomegranate, date palm, betel nut, orange, coconut, sandalwood, rose, lemon, breadfruit, walnut, banana, champak, grapes, creeper, golden ketak etc. All these trees were bent down with the weight of fruits and flowers.

It was driven by a gentle breeze, carrying the cool and sweet fragrance of mallika, madhavi, kunda, clove and jasmine flowers. All around, it was wet with the water of the spring gushing out from the Shatashringa.

It was full of the beauty of spring. It was adorned with innumerable bowers, decorated with rows of lamps studded with jewels and furnished with materials suitable for amorous games.

Text 38: O sage, the place was resonating with the songs of cowherds and milkmaids praising Krishna, the mooing of cows and calves, the chirping of birds, the tinkling of various ornaments and the sound of churning curds.

39. There were thirty-two other forests, very beautiful with trees of various kinds, and bowed down under the weight of flowers and fruits in full bloom, and captivating the minds of the spectators.

40-43. He was very happy to see it. He arrived at the resplendent city (capital) of Goloka. It was a circular citadel studded with jewels. It was adorned with majestic avenues. It appeared magnificent because it was adorned with millions of buildings of Krishna's devotees, chariots studded with fine jewels and many small tinkling bells. It was beautiful because it was adorned with millions of wonderful buildings, filled with storehouses of fine precious stones, adorned with pillars of precious stones - all arranged in rows.

It looked magnificent from the beautiful play halls (great-rooms). It was built of the finest precious stones. And it was adorned with rows of jewel-studded altars or quadrangular lamps (studded with the finest jewels).

44. Its courtyard was sprinkled with a liquid mixed with flowers, andaj, musk and saffron threads and with heaps of curd, durva, roasted grains and banana trees.

45. Auspiciousness was generated by pitchers filled with water of gold and by arches made of gold. In this many elephants and horses were walking on highways made of precious stones.

  • Sri Krishnadarshanayatairnayakabrahmandanayakaih. Virinchishankaradhyaishcha sacrificial hastaih susankulam.46.
  • Vrajadbhi: Krishna-vikshatha Gopa-gopi-kadambakai: Susankul-mahamarga Mumodaalokya Tanmuni: ||47||
  • Krishna temple is the path of all the beautiful ones. Nanda-divrish-bhanavadi-gopasaudhaalibhhirvrittam. 48.
  • The fourth door is covered with sixteen doors. Kotigopvritta is protected by one door guard. 49.
  • Veerbhanu Chandrabhanu Suryabhanu Tritiyakam  Vasubhanu Devbhanu Shakrabhanu Tatah Param. 51.
  • Ratnabhanu is the side of a huge lion. One who is the protector of the body of the gods. 52.
  • sridamaṇa's natva'sou pravistontastedaajnya  the great fourfold vibrate the tejo'pashyanmahochchayam. 53.

Thus in the Sriskande Mahapuran Ekashiti Sahasriya Samhita in the second Vaishnavkhand of Sri Vasudeva Mahatmye, the name of Goloka is mentioned in sixteenth chapter. 16.


  • 46. ​​The place was filled with demigods from various universes who had come to see Lord Sri Krishna, and even great demigods like Brahma and Shankar were present with worship materials in their hands.
  • 47. The road was crowded with cowherds and gopis who were going to see Krishna. The sage was very pleased to see that great road so crowded.
  • 48. Then he reached the palace of Krishna which was very beautiful and looked wonderful to everyone. That palace was surrounded by rows of palaces of Nanda, Vrishbhanu and other gopas.
  • 49. It had four gates and sixteen bastions surrounded by moats. Each of its gates was guarded by one crore cowherds as gatekeepers.
  • 50. In front, at the gates with jeweled pillars and panels, he saw the gatekeepers sitting there (on duty) one after the other.
  • 51-53. (They were) 1. Virabhanu, 2. Candrabhanu, 3. Suryabhanu the third (gatekeeper), 4. Vasubhanu, 5. Devabhanu and then 6. Shakrabhanu; 7. Ratnabhanu, 8. Suparsva, 9. Vishal, and then 10. Vrishabha, 11. Anshu, 12. Bala, 13. Subala, 14. Devaprastha, 15. Varuthap and 16. Sridaman. He bowed to them (Sridamana) and entered with their permission. In the huge Chaturbhuj (before him) he saw a great splendor.
  • Footnotes and references:
  • [1] :

It is a mythological concept that our universe is surrounded by five elements, Ahamkara, Mahat and Prakriti. A yogi has to penetrate these elements before he can attain Brahman (symbolized here as Goloka).

[2] :

According to Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Viraja was an Abhira (gopa) (a wife of Krishna) who was transformed into a river by the curse of Radha. In Vaishnava Vedanta this is the river after crossing which one gets the vision of God.


Chapter: 28 Shiva Puranam/Samhita 2 (Rudra Samhita)/Part: 5 (Yuddhkhandah)

Description of Radha ji in chapter-29-

  • Sanatkumar said.
  • Married to his own self. Penance: I will do the best for you. 1.
  • The exit of the heavenly world, the Guru of heaven, is united. The whole world is united.
  • I bow to you with respect and recommend you with various kinds of blessings. I am stable and I am very dear to you. I am very bright. 3.
  • Sopi Dambhaatmajo is the one who sees the family guru. I salute you great devotee and prostrate myself to the Supreme. 4.
  • And Shukra: Kulacharya Drushtvaashismanuttamam Vrittantam Kathayamas Devdanavayostada.5.
  • Naturally, I will defeat the soul. Victory and destruction of the living beings will help me. 6.
  • I agree with that, O Suraisarvaissamutsvam. Donation, Vadyasuraanam Tamdhipan Vidhe Guru: ||7||
  • That is why I am going to the Surana and I am happy. 6. I bow to you because you love me.
  • And the proud man who is Veerashankhchud is very powerful. He is the one who is worshipped by the gods during the coronation. 9.
  • With this army of great Karshandaityadanavrakshsam. Rathmasthaay longing for the one who is in Shakrapuri.
  • Gachchans Danavendrastu is the one who serves as the sevakurvatam. . Shashivadbhaana is the one who is in the planets. . 11.
  • Fire is the fire of Shankhchudamakarnyakhandlasvarat. Nikhilairmaraisardham ten warriors in the community. 12.
  • Therefore, after the war of Suraisurana, even the brave warriors are ready to destroy him. 13.
  • A great uproar is going on among the brave warriors and the sound of musical instruments is heard which enhances the bravery of the warriors. 14.
  • Devah Prakupy Yuyudhursurairbalvattarah || Defeated Samprapursurah Dudruvurbhayat. 15.
  • Palayamanastaandrishtva Shankhchudasswa Lord himself: Yuyudhe Nirjarassaka lion roar in the roar of the lion. 16.
  • Suddenly the thirsty person cycles around and the three divas start to flow. ... 17.
  • Wherever there are poor mountains situated in caves. Similarly, they are not independent and without any effect like the ocean. 18.
  • Sopi Dambhaatmajashuro Danavendra: The mighty one who defeats the entire world is victorious against the enemies.
  • Trilokyam swavaschankre yajnabhagaamsh krutsnashah. Swayamindra Babhuvapi rules the entire world.
  • Kauberamandvam Sauryamaagneyam Yamyameva Cha. Karyamas Vayavyamadikaarm Swashaktiah. 21.
  • The demons and the protectors of the gods. The snakes of the Gandharvas and the Kinnaras are the ones who are in love.22.
  • Triloksya Pareshaam Cha Saklanamadhishwar: ।। S Babhuva Mahavirashankhchudo Mahabali ।। 23.
  • And in this state of Bubhuje, Rajarajeshwaro is great. All the worlds have the Shankhchudashchiram Samaah. 24.
  • In that state there is neither famine nor death nor bad luck. Even the people are always happy due to diseases.
  • The untouched earth is filled with tears. Medicines that are various in nature are always fruitful. 26.
  • Always the flower-fruit tree is flowing with water. 27.
  • God, without any bliss, is free from all vices. One who is in his own dharma, is beyond the four varnashrama. 28.
  • Tasmichhasati the three worlds do not suffer from any sorrow.
  • Brotherly enmity only causes sorrow. 29.
  • S Shankhchud: Prabal: Krishnasya Paramassakha.
  • Krishna bhaktiratassadhussada Golokavasinah.
  • Based on the influence of the previous curse, the donor's vagina. 31. I do not consider myself to be a demon.
  • 32  .
  • There, the creator sees the praise especially.  Brahmane kathaayamasussarvam vrittantāmakulaah.33.
  • Brahma tada samasvasya suran sarvanmuninapi.  That is why in this world Vaikuntha there is happiness and peace. 34.
  • There is Laxmi Shan Brahma and Devganassah. Kirtinam Kundalini Vanmala Vibhushitam. 35.
  • Shankhachakragadapadmadhara god is four-armed. Sanandanadya: Siddhaishcha service is done by Peetvasam. 36.
  • Drushtva Vishnu Surassarve Brahmadyassamunieshwarah.  I bow to you with all my heart and devotion. I am bound by your love. 37.
  • God, you are great..
  • Lord God Jagannath, the lord of Vaikuntha. Rakshasmaansharanapannaanchhrihare Trijagadguru. 38.
  • Lord, you are the one who is destroyed by the three worlds.  Laxmi Nivas Govind Bhaktpraan I bow to you. 39.
  • This way I praise the Surassarve Rurudu: Purato Hare:  TacchrutvaLordVishnurBrahmanamidambravit.
  • Vishnuruvacha.
  • Kimarthmagatosi tvam vaikuntha yogidurlabham.  Why do I need the elements and I am getting hurt? 41.
  • Sanatkumar said.
  • Thus, I  am bowing to the ground, O Arjuna. 42.
  • The story is told in the same way as Shankhchud. Devakashtasamakhyanam puro vishno: paraatman: |43|
  • Haristadvachanam Shrutva Sarvatsarvabhaavit. Prahasyovaach God is according to the secret method. 44.
  • Shri Bhagwanu says.
  • All the people know the story of Shankhachudasya,  who is the devotee of Padmaj, and who is the great devotee of Mahejasvin: Pura. 45.
  • Shrinutssarvavrittantamitihasam ancient. There is no doubt about my duty, Shankar: ||46||
  • Above all, yasyasti Shivaloka: Paratpar:.  Where Lord Shiva reigns, the Supreme Brahma is the Supreme Lord. 47.
  • Prakruti: The warrior of the male and the three powers.  Nirgunassagunassopi is the form of light. 48.
  • Yasyangajastu vai brahmanstrayassrishtyadikarakaah. Vishnu-Brahma-Harabhidha: Who is endowed with the virtues of Sattvadiguna. 49.
  • And the Supreme Being is with me. Yatra mayavinirmukoto nityanitya praklapakah || ||
  • Shankarasya is the cow-shelter of the goloko gaushala.  51.
  • Those who are happy to protect me from the evils.  One who attains the happiness of that world, enjoys the company of others. 52.
  • That woman is like Radheti Jagadambika.  Nature: The supreme image: The fifth good-looking one. 53.
  • ,
  • There are many gopascha and gopyascha there.
  • Radha-Krishna is always devoted to good habits. 54.
  • And Lilya Shambhori daan is fascinated.  One who is saved from the demonic womb, he is cursed with sorrow. 55.
  • Rudrashulen tanmrutyu krsnaen vihitah pura.  Tatsvadehamutsrjya parishadhass future. 56.
  • This knowledge of gods did not scare me. Shankar's refuge is with me. 57.
  • I am the one who is the protector of the body. 58.
  • Sanatkumar said.
  • It is Savidhir Vishnu: Shivalokam Jagam.  I remember Lord Shambhu and all the devotees. 59.

Thus in the second year of Sri Shiva Mahapuran, in the fifth year of the Rudrasamhita, in the Yudhkhand of Shankhachudvadhopakhya, after the description of the rule of Shankhachud, after that, the description of the character of the previous life, is named as Naamaikontrinshoཽadhyay: ||29||

Below, in the second chapter of the Rudra Samhita Parvati section of the same Shiv Puran, there is a description of the supernatural events of the birth and deeds of Radha Ji.


Shiva Puran / Code 2 (Rudra Samhita) / Section: 3 (Parvati Khand:) / Chapter: 02

  • Narada said.
  • I bow to the knowledge of the wise and respect them. I bow to you and destroy the doubts. 1.
  • Brahmavacha. Shrinu Narada is loved by all and discernment. The sage is accompanied by the son of the great Buddha.2.
  • Dakshanama my son is completely told by sage. This is the reason why I am saying this.
  • That is why he got married to Kashyap. He is well aware of all this and that is why Shrinu Narada said this. 4.
  • In that midst, I am the father of my swadhanamni and I am the father of my swadhanam. This is the image of Dharma which is the source of my dharma. 5.
  • Muniswar, who is named after him and is pious, is always the one who removes the obstacles and is the giver of great auspiciousness. 6.
  • Menanamni's daughter is the eldest and the middle one is blessed with Kalavathi. The end is that which is the saviour of the father. 7.
  • Ayonija: Swadhaayascha Lokatastatusta Mata:. 8. The bestowing of the best wishes to the entire universe.
  • Jagadvandya: always the mother of the world: the supreme power. Yoginya: the supreme knowledge-repository of the world. 9.
  • Eksminsmaye third brother Muniswar. In the white island Vishnuloka he is for the darshan of the Jagmuru.
  • I bow to you Vishnu and recommend you with devotion. There is a great society there which is according to the principles of Tathustadaajya. 11.
  • Tadaiva Sankadyaastu Siddha Brahmasuta Mune. Gatastatra Harim Natva Stutva Tasthustadaajnaya.12.
  • Sankadyaanmunindrishtvotasthuste all the quick. There, the gods are situated in the same place and they worship the world. 13.
  • I am the one who is the protector of the whole soul. 14.
  • Mohini is the divine form of Shiva and is the manifestation of Shiva's will in all the worlds. 15.
  • Destiny is proposed by Sai Tannamaani Hynekasha:. According to Shiva's will, consider the work of yours. 16.
  • The earth does not remain as it is the chakrarup tannatim. The asceticism is the manifestation of the institution. 17.
  • When the sage sees in that way, he is filled with anger and is not able to control himself. 18.
  • Shiva's desire is to be fascinated by anger. Sanatkumaro Yogishshapandanakaram dadan. 19.

Sanatkumar said.

  • Thus, this third sister is foolish: Sadvyunojjita:. Agyatashrutittvaa is the father's daughter and Dhruvam.
  • I am doing this with great pride. I am doing this with great pride. 21.
  • Narasimha: It is possible that he is fascinated by the knowledge of his own actions. One who practices the fruits of his actions. 22. "Brahmovach"
  • Ityakarnya cha sadhvyastastisropi chakrita bhrisham. The husband is the one who is the protector of the body. 23. " Pitru uchuh ..
  • Munivarya kindness, be pleased and be happy. . . . I bow to you, I am foolish and don't feel bad about it. . . . 24.
  • O great sage, who does not receive the fruits of his actions. 25. "Brahmovach"
  • According to the words of the sage Shrutva, the soul is inspired by the blessings of Shiva. 26. "Sanatkumar said"
  • My father's body is filled with love. My words give me grief and happiness as well as all the gods. 27.
  • Vishnuranshasya Shailasya Himadharasya Kamini. The eldest Bhavatu then the daughter of future Parvati. 28.
  • Blessed are you, dear second yogini of Janakasya. Tasya: The daughter named Mahalakshmi, Sita will be born.29
  • Vrishbhanasya gopasya kunshitha's Kalavati. Future beloved Radha Tatsuta after Dwaparatah.
  • Menaka Yogini is the husband of the Parvatyascha Varen and she gives him the tradition of Kailash. 31.
  • Blessed is Sita, the descendant of Janaka. Liberated when alive, the great yogi who goes to Vaikuntha. 32.
  • 33. With the Kalavathi Vrishbhanasya Kautukatanyaya, one who is liberated in life, goes to Golok and there is no doubt about it.
  • Without calamity, there is glory in the future, if one does good deeds, he gets sorrow and happiness, Lord. 34.
  • 35.
  • This is why the sage who is angry and who remembers Shiva, gets liberation from the knowledge of the mind. 36.
  • I am always happy with the love of Lord Shiva. I am thankful to you, O Lord Shiva, who is worshipped by you. 37.
  • Goddess Parvati's breasts are filled with the Goddess Jagadambika. In the future, my beloved Shambho Stapah is done with great fervor. 38.
  • Blessed is the memory of Sita, the wife of Rama. Ramena leaves the worldly conduct. 39.
  • Radha, the daughter of Kalavati, who resides in Golok and is the wife of Krishna who is secretly affectionate towards her. "Brahmovach"
  • In the commentary on this topic, one can say that the sages who are brothers and sisters are recommended to do the same. 41.
  • Third sister is the mother of my father, my mental daughter. I am going to attain my own abode without any happiness. 42.

Thus in the second chapter of Shri Shiva Mahapuran, in the third chapter of Rudra Samhita, in the third Parvati Khand, the name of the previous path is described in the second chapter. 2.

Uttanapada's son Dhruva and Mahayashah: Tatputro Nandasavarni: Kedarshcha Tadatmaja.

  • In the beginning of creation, Brahma had a son named Swayambhuva Manu. His wife's name was Shatarupa, who was blessed and respected among women. They had two sons named Priyavrat and Uttanapada.  Uttanapada's son was the very famous Dhruva.
  • Dhruva had a son named Nandasavarni and a son named Kedar. Kedar's daughter was Vrinda Rayaan's wife Vrinda. She was born from Radha ji's hair follicles in Golok through the process of assimilation (imagery).
  • "Radharomodbhava gopyastashcha sarva ihagata:॥
  • काश्चित्पुण्यैःकृतैः पूर्वैः प्राप्ताः कृष्णं वरैःपरैः॥२२॥
  • Thus Garg Samhitayan Sri Vishwajitkhand, in the conversation between Sri Narada and Dantavaktra, in the war against Karusha, he won the name of Adhyāy:॥11॥
  • ,
  • Krishna-romasamudhbhuta: All the Gopagana kings. 20 ॥     ,
  • Radha is the companion of the gopyo and the king is romantic.
    And Golokarachana is the source of Madhusudana. 24 ॥
  • Reference-
  • In Sri Garg Samhitayan, in the Girirajkhand, in the conversation between Sri Narada and the great man,
    the name of the origin of Giriraj is mentioned in the ninth chapter. 9.

Translation: - In Golok itself, from the pores of Krishna's hair, the Gopas were born, who were like Krishna in appearance. Similarly, from the pores of Radha's hair, the Gopikas were born, who were like him in appearance.


That is, Uttanapada's son Dhruva and his son Kedar had a daughter "Vrinda" after whose name Vrindavan became famous.

The incident of the marriage of the same Vrinda with Rayaan Gopa, an incarnation of Krishna, in the form of Radha's shadow (pratirupa) is described in the Puranas.

Not the original Radha who was the daughter of Vrishbhanu, Radha Ji was never married to Rayaan Gop. Because Radha herself is the Adi Prakriti and is the Samasti (group) form and Rayaan is the part (individual) unit form of Krishna. Now what is the correspondence of Ika with the group according to the scriptures? Never-

"Those who are showing Radha's marriage with Rayaan after reading incomplete Puranas.

He is a total fool. He should seek refuge in Radha to know her.

Below we are giving evidence from the original Brahmavaivarta Purana about the marriage of Vrinda, daughter of Kedar, great-grandson of Uttanapada, with Rayaan Gopa.


  • He said: The Lord is the Supreme Soul of Nature. 134. Shri Bhagwanu says-
  • Tvaaya'yustpasa labdha yavadayuscha brahman:. That is why I give you the religion of Golokam Gachchh Sundari. 135.
  • After the penance of the body, one can attain the goal. Those who are going to the west, to the west. 136.
  • " Radha is the shadow of Vrinda on the skin of Vrishbhanusuta. After the marriage of Vrinda, the king of the two worlds will accept her marriage. 137.
  • Mother of the Gopis along with Radha Sridamashapena is the daughter of Vrishbhana. 138.
  • In reality Radha is in the form of your shadow. During marriage, she is accepted by the shadow of the Rayaan. 139.
  • Tvam Dattva actually Radha is destined to appear before me. Radhaiveti is the one who is aware of the knowledge of Gokule. 140.
  • Radhapadambhajam does not have any pashyanti ballavah in his dreams. Radha herself is my lover and Rayanakamini is my shadow. 141
  • Vishnu's words and Shrutva Dadavaayuscha Sundari. Uttsthau Purna Dharmashcha Hotkaanchansannibhah. Poorvasmatsundar: Shrimanpranaam Paratparam. 142. "Vrindovach"
  • Deva: Be careful not to be false in the madness of the night. 143.

See the translation of the above Sanskrit verses below-


Translation :- Then Lord Krishna, who is beyond the Supreme Soul and Nature, spoke to Vrinda.

Sri Bhagavan said- Beautiful lady! By your penance you have attained the age equal to that of Brahma.

You should give your life to Dharma and go to Golok yourself.

There, due to the power of your penance, you will attain me in this very body.

Sumukhi Vrinda! After coming to Golok, in Varaha Kalpa, O Vrinda! You will again be the shadow of Radha who is the daughter of Vrishbhanu and my Aadishakti and Para Prakriti.

At that time, only Rayaan Gopa, born from my body, will marry you.

Then, on the occasion of Raas Leela, you will regain me along with the Gopis and Radha.


It became clear that Rayaan Gopa was married to Vrinda, the daughter of Kedar, the great grandson of Manu, who was present in Vraj in the form of Radha Chhaya (representation).

When Radha will appear as the daughter of Vrishbhanu due to the curse of Sridama, then she will be the real Radha.

O Vrinda! You will be his shadow. At the time of marriage, the real Radha will reveal you and then disappear and Rayaan Gopa will marry your shadow.


But in Gokul, the people under the influence of love will think that you are none other than Radha.


Those gopas do not get the sight of the lotus feet of the real Radha even in their dreams; because Radha herself resides in my heart!

In this way, after listening to the words of Lord Krishna, beautiful Vrinda gave her life to Dharma. Then Dharma stood up completely.

The radiance of his body was shining like heated gold and his beauty had increased more than before. Then that gentleman bowed down to the Supreme Lord Shri Krishna.


Brahmavaivartapurana /Part: 4 (Sri Krishna Janmakhandah) /Chapter:-( 86)

Father of Yashoda, the foster mother of Krishna - Mother, who is related to Krishna's maternal grandparents -

3- Yashoda's father- Sumukh.


16- (Yashoda had four brothers)- Yashovardhan, Yashodhar, Yashodev, Sudev.

She was Yashoda's sister.

18—Yashodevi (Dadhisara), Yashasvini (Havissara).


According to "Sri Radhakrishna Ganoddesya Deepika"

Yashoda was the daughter of Sumukh Gopa.

Sumukh had three daughters and four sons but none of them was named Rayaan. Hence, Rayaan was not Yashoda's brother.

Lord Narayana said- Beautiful Kalavati is the daughter of ancestors born from the part of Kamala and is the faithful wife of Vrishbhanu . Radha is her daughter who is dearer to Shri Krishna than his life . She has been born from half part of Shri Krishna; hence she is as radiant as him. The earth has become pure by the touch of the dust of her lotus feet. All saints and sages always wish for unwavering devotion towards Shri Radha .

Narad ji asked - Muni! How, by what virtue and in what way did a human living in Vraj get the extremely rare daughter of ancestors as his wife? Who was the great ruler of Vraj Vrishbhanu in his previous birth, whose son was he and by what penance Radha became his daughter?

Sut ji says- On hearing this from Narad ji, the wise Maharishi Narayan laughed and happily started telling that ancient history.

Narad ji asked- O Lord! Why is this forest in India named ' Vrindavan' ? What is its etymology or noun? You are a great philosopher, so please tell me this principle.

Sutji says- On hearing Naradji 's question, Narayan Rishi laughed happily and started telling the whole ancient principle.

Lord Narayana said- Narada ! This is about the first Satya Yuga.

King Kedar was the ruler of the seven islands . O Brahman ! He was always devoted to true religion and lived a happy life with his wives and children and grandsons.

That religious king looked after all his subjects like his sons . Even after performing hundred yagyas , king Kedar did not desire to attain the position of Indra .

Even after performing numerous pious deeds, he did not want the fruits of those deeds himself.

All his daily chores were done for the love of Lord Krishna . There has never been a king like Kedarnath before and there will never be again.

He left the responsibility of protecting his Tribhuvan Mohini wife and the kingdom on his sons and left for the forest for penance on the advice of sage Jaigishavya . He was an exclusive devotee of Shri Hari and used to think about him constantly. Sage ! Lord's Sudarshan Chakra always remained with him to protect the king. That great king of sages did penance for a long time and finally went to Golok . Kedar Tirth became famous by his name.

Certainly, even today the dead person attains immediate salvation there.

His daughter's name was Vrinda, who was a part of Lakshmi. Being proficient in Yoga Shastra, she did not choose anyone as her husband.

Durvasa gave her the extremely rare mantra of Shri Hari. She left home and went to the forest for penance.

She performed penance in a deserted forest for sixty thousand years. Then, the devotee-loving Lord Krishna appeared before her. He said with a happy face - 'Devi! Ask for a boon.'

Seeing the beautiful and peaceful Radhika-kanta, she suddenly said, ' You become my husband. ' He accepted her prayer by saying 'So be it.'

Out of curiosity she went to Golok with Shri Krishna and there she became a fortunate Gopi like Radha.

The place where Vrinda chanted was named 'Vrindavan'.

Or the place where Vrinda played was called 'Vrindavan'.

Son! Now listen to another holy story due to which this forest got the name 'Vrindavan'.

I am telling you that incident, pay attention! King Kushdhwaj had two daughters. Both were proficient in the knowledge of religious scriptures.

Their names were Tulsi and Vedvati. Both the sisters were averse to the task of running the world.

"Sita was Vedavati-

Among them, Vedavati performed penance and attained the Supreme Being Narayan. She is known everywhere by the name of Janak's daughter Sita.

Tulsi performed penance and desired to get Lord Hari as her husband, but due to the curse of Durvasa, she got Shankhachuda.

Then he received the most beautiful, lotus-colored Lord Narayana in the form of his beloved.

  • Due to the curse of Lord Shri Hari, Goddess Tulsi appeared in the form of a tree and due to the curse of Tulsi, Shri Hari became a Shaligram stone. Even in that condition, the beautiful Tulsi continued to stay on the chest of that stone. Muni! The entire character of Tulsi has been told to you in detail, however, here it is discussed again in context. Tapodhan! This is also a place of penance of that Tulsi; that is why wise men call it 'Vrindavan'.
  • (Tulsi and Vrinda are synonymous words) Or I am telling you another excellent reason, due to which this holy place of India became famous by the name of Vrindavan. Among the sixteen names of Radha, one name is also Vrinda, which is heard in Shruti.
  • This is the beautiful playground of Radha, who is also known as Vrinda; hence it is called 'Vrindavan'.
  • In the past, Lord Krishna had created Vrindavan in Goloka for the love of Lord Radha.
  • Then that forest which appeared on the earth for their play came to be known by that ancient name 'Vrindavan'.
  • Radha Jagam Varahe Gokul Bharat Sati.
    She is the daughter of a Vaishya named Vrishabhanusha. 36.
  • Ayonisambhava Goddess Vayugarbha Kalavati
    Sushuveva Maya is the one who is the source of the air. 37.
  • At the past twelve words you should see that you are a new youth.
    Sardha Rayaan Vaishyena is related to that too. 38.
  • The shadow institution is at the same time a santardhanam return.
    Babhuva that Vaishya's marriage is with the shadow of marriage. 39.
  • You are one of the fourteenth word.
    Jagaam Gokulam Krishna: The Lord of the universe in the form of a child. 2.49.40.
  • Mother of Krishna Yashoda or Rayanastatshodar:
    Goloke Gopakrishnaamsha: SambandhatKrishnamatul:.41.
  • Radha and Krishna lived in Vrindavan.
    Marriage is the method of the world. 42.
  • Radhapadambhajam does not pashyanti ballavah in dreams.
    Radha herself is covering the Rayaan temple with her shadow. 43.
  • Complete method for the sixty-years-long tapasya.
    Pushkare for the darshan of Radhika's charanambhos.
  • Bharatavatarane bhumibharate Nandagokule.
    The vision of the tatpadambojam tapasstatphalen.45.
  • For some time now Krishna became holy in Vrindavan.
    Reme Goloknathashcha Radheya Saha Bharate. 46.
  • Therefore, there is a need for separation from Sudāmashapen.
    There, Bharatavataranam Bhoomi: Krishnashkar Sa:. 47.
  • You are a pilgrimage in the context of the century:
    Radha and Krishna are really together. 48.
  • That's the truth of the world, Golokam Radha.
    With the blessings of Kalavati Yashoda. 49.
  • Vrishbhanusch Nandashcha Yayou Golokamuttamam
    All the Gopascha Gopyascha Yayustaa: Samagata: ।। 2.49.50.
  • The shadow of the gopascha gopyascha is liberated from the clutches of the soul.
    Remire Tasch Tatraiv Sardha Krishnan Parvati. 51.
  • Shattriṃśllākṣkotyaścha gopyo gopāścha tatsamāḥ.
    Golokam prayurmuktaah saadham krsnaen radhaya. 52.
  • Drona: Prajapatinando Yashoda is the beloved of that person.
  • Vasudev: Kashyapashcha Devaki Chaditi: Sati
    Devmata Devpita Pratikalpe naturally. 54.
  • The mental daughter of the father, Radha, mother Kalavati,
    were absorbed in Vasudama's Golokad Vrishbhanu. 55.
  • This is what Durga says about Radhikaakhyanamuttamam.
    Sampatkaran sin destroyer, son and grandson development. 56.
  • Shri Krishna's two-sided form is two-sided and quadrilateral.
    The four-armed Vaikunthe sphere has two arms: itself. 57.
  • Mahalakshmi is the wife of the four-armed woman: Saraswati.
    Tulsi of Ganga is the favorite god of Narayana. 58.
  • Radha is the wife of Shri Krishna and so is Radha.
    The qualities of the radiant age and the form of a saint. 59.
  • After the mention of Radha, Krishna says:
    There is a doubt in the mind of the one who kills Brahma. 2.49.60.

  • On the full moon day of Kartik month, the Ras Mandala of Goloka. The worship of Radha is related to the festival. 61.
  • Hari, who does this with great fervor, holds his neck in his arms and gives him dakshina. 62.
  • I meditate on the devotion of the hymns of Radha and I am the one who tastes the Madhusudan. 63.
  • Radha is worshipped by Krishna and hence Lord Krishna is worshipped.
  • The second worshiper is the religion of Brahmana Maya.
    Anantvasukibhyan's Ravina Shashina Pura. 65
  • Mahendra's Rudra is the human being.
    Surendra's Munindras is worshipped by all the world. 66.
  • The third one is worshipped by the Saptadweepeshwaran.
    Bharate's Suyajna putrairmitrairmudaanvitai:. 67.
  • Brahminenabhishaptena devdoshen bhubhrita.
    The one suffering from disease is relieved of his suffering. 68.
  • The kingdom of Sampraap is corrupt: The truth is Radhavaren.
  • I am impenetrable armor, with the outer edge of my neck, and I 
    am meditating on the worship of Pushkar, who is hundred times more beautiful. 2.49.70.
  • In the end, the world is Golokam Ratnayanena Bhoomi:.
    Thus it is said that all the earth is shrotumichhasi. 71.
  • Reference:-

Thus in the second Prakritikhand of the Mahapuran, under the conversation between Narad Narayan and Hargauri, in the Radhopakhyan, Radhaya: Sudamashapadikathan, name of the five chapters. 49.


Nature Section : Chapter 49

A very brief introduction to the character of Shri Radha and Shri Krishna and the worship tradition of Shri Radha-

Shri Mahadev Ji says- Parvati! Once, Shri Krishna was at the place of a friend named Viraja . This angered Shri Radha . Due to this, Viraja started flowing there in the form of a river. Viraja's friends also became small rivers. Many rivers of the earth and the seven seas are born from Viraja. Radha went to Shri Krishna in anger and said some harsh words to him. Sudama opposed this. On this, playful Shri Radha cursed him to become a demon . Sudama also told Shri Radha to appear in human form in the same way.When Sudama got ready to leave after bowing to mother Radha and father Shri Hari , then Shri Radha started crying due to the separation from her son . Shri Krishna pacified her by explaining and assured her that he would return soon. Sudama was the demon Shankhachud , the master of Tulsi , who was pierced by my trident andfreed from the curse and went back to Golok . Sati Radha was born in Gokul in this Varaha Kalpa . She was the daughter of Vrishbhanu Vaishya in Vraj . She was a goddess born without a womb,she was not born from the womb of her mother . Her mother Kalavati had carried ' Vayu' in her womb

With the inspiration of Yogamaya he gave birth to the air only; but Shri Radha appeared there voluntarily.


After twelve years , seeing her entering the new age of youth, her parents fixed her marriage with a Vaishya named 'Raayan' . At that time, Shri Radha left her shadow in the house and disappeared. The said Rayaan got married to that shadow. Actually, that shadow was Kedar's daughter Vrinda.


'The Lord of the world Shri Krishna was sent to Gokul in his infancy on the pretext of protecting him from Kansa 's fear. There Shri Krishna's mother Yashoda had a brother named ' Raayan'. In Golok he was a cowherd who was the incarnation of Shri Krishna , but at the time of this incarnation on earth he was considered to be Shri Krishna's maternal uncle.


Brahma, the creator of the universe, had solemnized the marriage ceremony of Sri Radha with Sri Krishna in the sacred Vrindavan . The ordinary cowherds of Vraja were unable to see the feet of Sri Radha even in their dreams. Radha herself resided in Shri Krishna's chest and Vrinda in the form of her shadow resided in Rayaan's house.

Although Rayaan is a part of Shri Krishna. And Vrinda is the part of Radha. Who is the daughter of Kedar, son of Dhruva, son of Uttanapada in the Satyuga. Kedar was a very religious king. So his daughter named Vrinda was born from Radha in the form of a part of him. And Rayaan was born from a part of Krishna. The union of parts with parts is a proportional equilibrium.

But just as there is a big difference in the ratio of the quantities of a unit and a group, in the same way Radha and Vrinda had a proportional form.

Radha's shadow (pratirupa) Vrinda was married to Rayaan Gopa. Radha herself was the presiding deity of Shri Krishna's life. She always resided on Krishna's chest.

It is well known in the Puranas that all the Gopis were born from Radha.

  • "Tasyaśca lomakūpebhyaḥ sadyo gopāṅganāḥ. Aavirbabhuva rūpenā veśenaiva cha tatsamah. 1.5.40.
  • Lakhkotilimit: Shaswatsusthirayouvan  : Sankhyavidbhischcha Sankhyato Goloke Gopikas: ||41||
  • Kṛṣṇasya lomakupebhyaḥ Sadyo gopagano muni.  Aavirbabhuva rupena veshenava cha tatsamah. 42
  • Sri Brahmavaivarte Mahapurane, Sautishaunakasamvade the creation of the Brahmakhand, Panchamo'dhyay:. 5.
  • *Translation:- From the pores of Radha's hair, there immediately emerged several Gopa-girls, who were similar to Radha in appearance and attire.
  • Their number was Lakhkoti. All of them were always youthful and vivacious. Scholars who know the number have determined the above mentioned number of Gopa-girls in Golok.
  • Sage! Then, from the pores of Shri Krishna's body, cowherds appeared at that very moment, who were identical to Krishna in appearance and attire.
  • Numerologists say that in Shruti, the number of Gopas of Golok with beautiful and charming appearance is mentioned to be thirty crores. _____________________
  • Usually the gopas had the form similar to that of Krishna, like Rayaan Gop, and the gopis had the form of Radha, like Vrinda.
  • In the past, Brahma Ji had performed penance for sixty thousand years in Pushkar just to have the darshan of the feet of Sri Radha ;
  • As a result of that penance, he got the darshan of the feet of Shri Radha at this time.
  • Radha's father Vrishbhanu was originally a resident of Gokul, this was Gokul Mahavan.
  • Gokul:-An ancient village. Special-It was on the other side of Yamuna, about three kos away from the present Mathura towards the east and is called Mahaban today. Shri Krishna Chandra spent his childhood here. The place which is called Gokul today is new and different from this.
  • In Brahmavaivart Purana Prakritikhand, Yashoda's father is Giribhanu and mother is Padmavati. Whereas in Sri Sri Radha Krishna Ganoddeshy Deepika, Sumukh and Patila are the names of Yashoda's parents.
  • See the description of Giribhanuva and Mata Padmavati in Brahmavaivarta Purana below-
  • Bhaskar: The whole Gopapadmanam Giribhanusch Bhaskar:.
    Wife Padmasama's name is Padmavati Sati. 38.
    That is why Yashoda, the daughter of Yashodara, is the 
    one who enhances the fame of Ballavana. 39.
  • ,


Sri Brahmavaivarte Mahapurane Sri Krishna Janmakhande Narayan Narada conversation Krishna Annaprashan description naming proposal name Trayodashi Chapter 13.

In the book named "Shri-Shriradhakrishna Ganoddeshy Deepika", below is the description of some of the family members of Nanda, Yashoda and Vrishbhanu.

"If you are a king, then you are a flatterer. If you are a follower of the same religion, then you should follow the same tradition. (b)

Chatu and Vatu are the two cousins ​​of Nanda Maharaj. They are the sons of Rajanya, brother of Parjanya. Who were born in the lineage of Vasudeva Maharaj. Chatu's wife is Dadhisara and Vatu's wife is Havissara who are the siblings of Yashoda.

"Matamaho mahotsaha: syadasya sumukhbhidha:. Lambakambusamashra: pakvajambuphalacchavi:. 42.

Krishna's energetic and enthusiastic maternal grandfather's name is Sumukha. His long beard is like a large conch and his complexion is the color of a ripe jambu fruit.

Yashoda's mother's name is Patala. She is Shri Krishna's maternal grandmother and she is very famous in Brajbhoomi. Her hair is white like curd, her complexion is pink like the Patal flower and her clothes are green.

"Yashodhar Yashodev Sudevadastu Matula: Maternal grandmother and brother Dhumlo Vasanchhavi: ||45(b)

Yashodhar, Yashodev and Sudev etc. are Yashoda's brothers and Krishna's maternal uncles. Their clothes are of dusky colour.

"Yashodevi- Yashasvinyavubhe mother: sibling.49. (b)

Dadhisara- The offerings are so named. The eldest of Shyamanuja Gauri is the protector of Hingulopamvasami. 50.

Yashodevi and Yashasvini are real sisters of Yashoda, the mother of Lord Krishna. They are also known by the names Dadhisara and Havi: Sara. The elder sister Yashadevi is dark-skinned and the younger sister Yashasvini is fair-skinned like molten gold. Both wear clothes of Hingul (white, yellow and red) colour.49 (b)-50.

Sridama's father is Vrishbhanu and mother is Kirtida Devi. Kirtida is a great Sati and Radha and Anangamanjari are his sisters.38.

"The misfortunes that the priests and storytellers who arbitrarily misinterpret the scriptures face and the yonis they receive as a consequence of their sins -


Thus, the Sri Brahmavaivarta Purana, Sri Krishna's birth section, the latter half - Panchasheetitamo'dhyay:. 85.

Translation:-  One who attacks the poetry of learned people is a frog for seven lives. One who falsely calls himself a scholar and interprets the scriptures arbitrarily in the priesthood of the village; he is a mongoose for seven lives, a leper in one life and a chameleon for three lives.

Then after being a wasp in one birth, one becomes an ant on a tree. Thereafter, one becomes a Shudra, Vaishya, Kshatriya and Brahmin respectively.

A person who sells his daughter in any of the four castes goes to Tamisra hell

And he stays there as long as the Sun and Moon are there. After this he becomes a hunter who sells meat.

Thereafter, the person is afflicted with diseases according to the nature of his condition in previous life.

The Brahmin who sells my name will not attain salvation - this is the truth.

The ignorant person who does not remember my name in the mortal world is born as a cow in one birth. After this, he is born as a goat, then a ram and then a buffalo for seven births.

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